League of Legends URF tier list 2019: OP champions in Ultra Rapid Fire

League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Leona, League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /

C Tier

C: Alistar, Amumu, Bard, Corki, Gragas, Janna, Kennen, Kindred, Lissandra, Poppy, Renekton, Taliyah, Thresh, Tristana, Udyr, Warwick.

C+: Brand, Darius, Dr. Mundo, Elise, Fiddlesticks, Galio, Heimerdinger, Jarvan IV, Kayn, Kog’Maw, Nami, Nautilus, Nocturne, Ornn, Pyke, Shen, Sivir, Talon, Urgot, Varus, Viktor, Volibear, Zoe.

Gragas (C Tier)
Full AP, E Max, Body Slam around the map. That’s all there is to Gragas in URF. Roll and swing your gut at your opponents and they’ll be dead in no time! The Rabble Rouser is low on this tier list purely due to the fact that he’s one-dimensional and any form of CC can stop him in his tracks.

Pyke (C+ Tier)
Being overpowered in regular game modes surely means Pyke will be overpowered in URF, right? Unfortunately not. His regular cooldowns are already low enough to make little difference in URF, plus he’s locked into his Q animation for so long if he wants to land a hook that he’s likely to die in the process.

B Tier

B: Galio, Irelia, Leona, Pantheon, Rakan, Skarner, Xin Zhao, Zac, Ziggs.

B+: Aurelion Sol, Caitlyn, Draven, Evelynn, Jayce, Jinx, Karma, Karthus, Kha’Zix, Malzahar, Maokai, Orianna, Rumble, Vel’Koz, Wukong, Xayah, Zyra.

Leona (B Tier)
Shield of Daybreak (Q) received a cooldown buff not too long ago, meaning URF Leona can basically perma-stun opponents with Q, E, and R. Lock Leona in if you want to annoy your enemies so much that they consider leaving the game!

Karthus (B+ Tier)
Does anything need to be said about Karthus? Buy AP items and spam ult whenever possible. Dodging his Qs is bad enough, but being hit with a tiny cooldown Requiem can tilt even the most peaceful of players. If not for his 15% damage reduction on URF, Karthus would probably be a 100% pick/ban champion.