League of Legends: The 5 best junglers for your end of season climb

League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Officer Vi.. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games. /

Master Yi

This one goes out to all of you “I’m just gonna split” players who are eyeing the jungle as the role with freelo to be had (it’s not, but if you’re going to insist…). Master Yi is the epitome of a 1v9 champion both in the sense that he can single-handedly win games in the late game and due to the fact that his inability to gank early can set his teammates behind.

Still, when Master Yi gets ahead and gets fed, he can be one of the most difficult champions to deal with in League of Legends. Not only does he scale incredibly well with items, enabling him to push towers, but his reset mechanic on his R – Highlander and his ability to dodge CC with his Q – Alpha Strike allows him to be the perfect clean-up candidate.

In addition, Yi can have some flexibility in his kit, building crit items, lethality, bruiser, or just straight-up on hit and attack speed. Obviously, some of these builds are a bit more situational and there will always be one ideal build you should default to on Yi, but the fact that he can flex between these different styles makes him a great champion to climb with.

Now, Master Yi does have some mechanics to master, such as the ability to auto-attack cancel and timing your Alpha Strike properly, but that mechanical ceiling does not appear to be that big a burden in low elos. He has one of the best win rates in Silver and below for junglers, currently with a 52.3% win rate.


For solid, reliable engage and pick potential, you really cannot do much better than Vi as a jungler. With guaranteed lock-down on her R – Assault and Battery, Vi’s kit has some of the best gank-assist out of any jungler in League of Legends. In addition, Vi’s Q – Vault Breaker allows her to get off some ganks in the early game, though since she’s skill shot-reliant her ganks are a bit more difficult to pull off.

Vi’s kit also encourages a fair bit of flexibility, between her Passive – Blast Shield encouraging you to build health, her heavy auto-attack damage profile doing well with attack speed, and her abilities doing a ton of damage. She mostly likes to build bruiser (Warrior Enchantment, Black Cleaver, Steraks) but she can also go squishier with Trinity Force or even build full lethality. Vi also can swap out the Warrior for Cinderhulk if that extra tankiness is needed.

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While Vi’s kit does have one skill shot (her Q) that will be critical to hit if you want to get those early ganks off, for the most part the rest of her abilities are easy to manuever and understand. As a result, Vi has a great win rate in low elos, at 52.4% below Gold. With such diversity and flexibility in her kit, Vi is a great option if you want to climb out of the jungle!