League of Legends TFT: Ranking every single trait in Set 2

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Teamfight Tactics. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /


12. Alchemist

"Ignores unit collision and never stops moving."

Singed is the only champion in TFT Set 2 with this Class (for now) so how strong it is will basically come down to how strong he is as a champion. The trait benefits no one else and thus really has no impact.

11. Warden

"Wardens gain increased total armor."

This synergy stinks because 1) it only applies to the Wardens and 2) armor tends to be fairly ineffective unless the enemy team is building a lot of auto-attack damage dealers. As we’ll see in a second, that’s quite unlikely.

10. Ranger

"Every 3 seconds, Rangers have a chance to double their attack speed for three seconds."

Rangers were pretty up-and-down in Set 1, but now they’re back in Set 2. As it was in Set 1, this synergy is useless to build around. Instead, you’ll build Rangers if one, in particular, is ridiculously strong.

9. Assassin

"Assassins stealth and become invulnerable for a short time at the start of combat, and leap to the furthest enemy. Assassins also gain bonus critical strike and bonus critical strike chance."

Same as the TFT Set 1 trait with a bunch of new units. Assassins were generally a very strong early game comp based on how easy they were to assemble (Kha’Zix, Pyke, Zed could all be gotten in the first few levels) and their high damage amplifiers. With only two available Assassins in Tiers 1 and 2 (Leblanc and Diana) I expect this Class to be fairly weak unless you build full late game Assassin comps.

8. Blademaster

"Basic attacks have a chance to trigger attacks against additional enemies, which apply on-hit effects."

Blademasters were basically irrelevant for all of TFT Set 1 other than Draven (who was OP for reasons outside this trait) and a brief time when Aatrox was ridiculously good. I think with the new units Blademasters might be in a better spot, but the fact that you can only get one Blademaster (Yasuo) in Tiers 1 and 2 is going to hold this synergy back.

7. Berserker

"Leaps to the nearest enemy at the start of combat. Berserkers have a chance to hit all units in a cone in front of their attacks."

Think of these as a mix between Blademasters and Assassins who have a Titanic Hydra. I think this combination will be good in certain situations, but it’s going to depend a lot on numbers.

6. Druid

"Druids regenerate 40 health per second."

This might not seem like a big deal, but 40 health per second can make these guys unkillable with the right items. This is a built-in mini-Warmogs on champions that you can get very early on (all three Druids are available in Tiers 1 and 2). These aren’t champs to build a comp around, but they can be very good early game units to transition into mid.

5. Predator

"Predators instantly kill enemies they damage when they are below a 25% threshold."

To me, this is just a better version of the Assassin Class, although I think it could also synergize very well with an Assassin comp. Having an execute threshold can allow champions to kill healing DPS or front lines much more effectively.

4. Summoner

"Summoned units have increased health and duration."

This sort of takes the Elementalist bonus from Set 1 and jacks it up. How good it is will be dependent on how much the bonuses impact the summoned units, but this is generally good for boosting the Summoner’s level of power via the synergy.

3. Mystic

"All allies gain magic resist"

This is basically a team-wide Dragon buff. Given how incredibly strong Dragon was for almost all of TFT Set 1, this is probably going to be a great complementary trait to build every game.

2. Mage

"Mages have a chance to double cast their ultimate."

Given how reliant on their ultimate Mages are, being able to get two casts of that ability off (particularly when some of them are very squishy and might only get one ult off per round) is massive.

Next. TFT champion ability tier list. dark

1. Avatar

"The unit counts as 2 towards trait bonuses."

Lux is the only unit that has this Class trait, so it will basically come down to which Element you need to add two units to. That is very useful in some late game scenarios to build out your comps, but it’s also going to be dependent on how strong Lux is.