League of Legends LCS: how each team can improve in the offseason
By Josh Tyler
The move: add Hakuho
Now C9 just jettisoned a bunch of players from their squad, as noted above, so they look to be revamping most of their team. They do have Blaber to replace Svenskeren and their mid/top laners should be the same returning. However, with them having traded away Zeyzal and Deftly it seems C9 will be focused this offseason on remaking their bot lane.
A lot of people are speculating that ADC Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi is on his way out, either for retirement or performance in 2019, but I don’t think Cloud9 is going to burn their most popular and longest-tenured player by forcing him out. I think if Sneaky is leaving Cloud9, it will be on his own terms.
Whether or not he leaves, though, there is still a gaping hole in the support position for C9. Many have speculated that they will fill it by promoting Academy support David “Diamond” Bérubé, but there is another opportunity.
With the disbanding of Echo Fox, their players are ripe to be picked up by teams that can see their value and develop their potential. No org is better at doing that than Cloud9 and no player has been more sneakily good than Nickolas “Hakuho” Surgent over the past few seasons. He’d be a great value addition with the potential to improve, and he’d leave open an import slot should the org decide to move on from Sneaky.