League of Legends: Twitch Rivals Preview

League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.
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Clash, League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.

Group B

The first team in group B is captained by  Yassuo, the 100 Thieves streamer. He is joined on the team by Sanchovies, Hard, Prismal and Shady. Hard and Prismal are both academy players, while Shady is a collegiate player at powerhouse Maryville University. This team has a solid mix of talent.

Team two in group B is led by tfblade, who substitutes for Team Liquid and often reaches rank one on the ladder. Metaphor, Quantum Fizzics, IKeepitTaco, and diamond are going to be his teammates.

Metaphor was a 2018 scouting grounds participant and diamond is with Cloud9 academy. Yet outside of that it seems like this doesn’t have the established talent other teams seem to have.

BoxBox is the captain of the third team in this grouping. He has Theoddorange, simplyhai, yvonie and YaThatWasABanana on his team. Oddorange has seen some time in the academy league, while Hai formerly went to the League of Legends World Championship. Giving them a good bit of professional experience to pass along to teammates.

The final team in group B is imaqtpie’s team.  This squad also includes soulmario, Forrestwithin, Goldenglue, and Remilia.

Goldenglue is with Cloud9 at the moment and has played in the LCS for several years. Remilia played in the LCS a while back as well as playing professionally in Latin America. Soulmario is known for his Kled, while Forrestwithin is known for his Kindred.

If this team takes the event seriously they could have a good chance of winning it. Yet with imaqtpie at the helm that might be secondary to having fun.

Twitch Rivals seems like it’s a wide-open event that any team can win. The teams look to be pretty balanced even with the additions of the academy players to the rosters.  I do think this event is an absolute win for the fans though. You get to see popular streamers and professional players playing together in a tournament. It’s the perfect balance of fun and competition that shows even if we forget it at times that League of Legends is a game and that games should be fun. Check it out on Twitch!