League of Legends Patch 9.23 breakdown: Items and Runes

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Thresh. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /

Relic Shield Line

"Spoils of War: While nearby an ally, basic attacks execute minions below 50% of their max health (30% for ranged) and grant your ally kill gold. (These effects recharge every 45 seconds. Max 3 charges.)"

Relic Shield

"Cost: 400 gold Health: 50 -> 30 Ability Power: 5 Gold per 10: 1 -> 2 Quest: Earning 500 total gold through Spoils of War upgrades this item to Targon’s Buckler."

Targon’s Buckler

"Health: 125 -> 100 Ability Power: 10 Gold per 10: 1 -> 3 Removed: No longer grants 50% health regen. Quest: Earning 1000 total gold through Spoils of War upgrades this item to Bulwark of the Mountain."

Bulwark of the Mountain

"Health: 350 -> 300 Ability Power: 40 Gold per 10: 1 -> 3 Removed: No longer grants 10% cooldown reduction. Removed: No longer grants +200% health regen."

The tanky option for AP-based champions in the support role, your Blitzcranks, and your Nautiluses. Important things to note: Less health throughout the tiers, no health regen, no cooldown reduction, but ability power has been added.

What this tells us is that tanks will now enjoy Relic Shield less unless they really want AP in their build. And if you’re an AD tank, well it doesn’t get much better…

Steel Shoulderguards Line

"Spoils of War: While nearby an ally, basic attacks execute minions below 50% of their max health (30% for ranged) and grant your ally kill gold. (These effects recharge every 45 seconds. Max 3 charges.)"

Steel Shoulderguards

"Cost: 400 gold Health: 30 Attack Damage: 3 Gold per 10: 2 Quest: Earning 500 total gold through Spoils of War upgrades this item to Runesteel Spaulders."

Runesteel Spaulders

"Health: 100 Attack Damage: 6 Gold per 10: 3 Quest: Earning 1000 total gold through Spoils of War upgrades this item to Pauldrons of Whiterock."

Pauldrons of Whiterock

"Health: 300 Attack Damage: 24 Gold per 10: 3"

Physical damage based tank supports in the bottom lane have been begging for a support item for so long and it’s about time those calls were answered! “Which AD tank supports are they?”, you ask. I have no idea.

As a result of these new, upgraded support items, the Ancient Coin line has been tossed to the wayside. Will the little coins that drop from dead minions be missed? Probably not, and neither will Coin.

Shurelya’s Reverie

"Total Cost: 2250 gold -> 2050 gold Build Path: Kindlegem + Aether Wisp + Faerie Charm + 475 gold -> Forbidden Idol + Crystalline Bracer + 600 gold Health: 200 -> 300 Heal and Shield Power: 10% Health Regen: +100% Active Range: 700 -> 1000 Removed: No longer grants 40 ability power. Removed: No longer grants +5% movement speed."

Shurelya’s is an easily forgotten item, hardly ever built by supports since it’s re-introduction to Doran’s Rift shop. Now, after shifting the stats from AP to health, as well as increasing the active range by 300, it’s become a more viable option for tank supports who like to move into position for a hook.

Blitzcrank, Nautilus, Thresh would all pick up Shurelya’s if they’re struggling for items in the early game, particularly with the lower gold cost. However, with so many stronger, cheaper options available, it’s unlikely to be picked up often until it sees some more significant buffs.