TFT Patch 9.24 tier list: Soulbound is Incredibly OP

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Based on this tier list, we have also taken the average ranking of each champion within every Class and Origin in TFT, which will give our aggregated ranking so you know which synergies are best in Patch 9.24. One thing to note is that these rankings are purely based on the average champion strength within that group, not the strength of the buff the synergy provides. We are assuming for purposes of this tier list that champions are ranked based on not only cost and statistics, but whether they can be part of a powerful synergy.

Origin ranking (last patch)

      1. Desert (4)
      2. Poison (2)
      3. Inferno (3)
      4. Ocean (7)
      5. Electric (9)
      6. Mountain (10)
      7. Cloud (5)
      8. Steel (6)
      9. Shadow (1)
      10. Light (11)
      11. Crystal (8)
      12. Glacial (12)
      13. Woodland (13)

Class ranking

      1. Summoner (1)
      2. Assassin (3)
      3. Mystic (2)
      4. Soulbound (NR)
      5. Mage (8)
      6. Warden (7)
      7. Blademaster (4)
      8. Ranger (5)
      9. Berserker (6)
      10. Predator (10)
      11. Druid (9)

Best compositions

In accordance with our rankings of the best champions, Classes and Elements, we now give you a guide for the best comps in Patch 9.24, along with the units you should buy in each one, as well as the best supplemental synergies to pair those comps with. We will put an asterisk next to the units that should be the main focus of these comps, to get to 2 or 3-stars and put items on. Note that when we recommend specific units of a Class/Element but omit others for your pairings, we are saying these are the options we would consider to be above average or worthwhile additions to your comp.

      • Summoners – Zyra, Malzahar, Azir, Annie (*), Yorick (*), Zed (*)
        • Pair with Desert by adding Kha’Zix (Azir + Kha’Zix)
        • Pair with Inferno by adding Brand or Amumu (Zyra + Annie + Brand/Amumu)
        • Pair with Light by adding Lucian and any other Light (Yorick + Lucian + other Light)
      • Assassin – Diana, Leblanc, Qiyana (*), Nocturne, Kha’Zix (*), Zed (*)
        • Pair with Desert by adding Renekton and one of Azir/Sivir (Kha’Zix + Renekton + Azir/Sivir)
        • Pair with Electric by adding either Volibear or Ornn (Zed + Volibear/Ornn)
        • Pair Qiyana based on the board you have
          • Inferno by adding one of Brand/Annie/Amumu (Diana + Qiyana + Brand/Annie/Amumu)
          • Cloud by adding Janna (Qiyana + Janna)
          • Mountain by adding Malphite (Qiyana + Malphite)
          • Ocean by adding Nami (Qiyana + Nami)
        • You can also run 3 Assassin/3 Summoners by just doing Qiyana, Kha’Zix, Zed + Annie, Yorick
      • Mystic – Soraka, Janna, Master Yi (*), Nami (*)
        • Pair with Shadow by adding Kindred/Senna or Kindred, Senna, and Malzahar (Master Yi + Kindred + Malzahar + Senna)
        • Pair with Ocean by adding Nautilus, Vladimir, and Syndra (Nami + Nautilus + Vladimir + Syndra)
          • You can also substitute Qiyana for any of the above three Oceans if on an Ocean Board.
        • Pair with Cloud by adding Yasuo (Janna + Yasuo) or Qiyana if on a Cloud Board (Qiyana + Janna)
      • Desert – Renekton (*), Azir, Sivir, Kha’Zix (*)
        • Pair with Assassin by adding Zed and Qiyana (Kha’Zix, Zed, Qiyana)
        • Pair with Summoners by adding two of Annie, Yorick, and Zed (Azir + Annie/Yorick/Zed)
        • Pair with Berserker by adding Olaf and one of Dr. Mundo, Jax, and Sion (Renekton + Olaf + Mundo/Jax/Sion)

Next. TFT Patch 9.24 introduces Soulbound champions. dark

Concluding notes

While there’s not much more these aggregations can tell us with certainty with regards to comps or items, here is what our data can tell you about what to look for within your next Teamfight Tactics game.

  • Comps right now skew heavily towards the late game, meaning it’s far less worthwhile to hyper-roll than to level quickly to get those premium picks as quickly as possible. This means you should ideally just be trying to get your few pieces in the first three tiers to 2-star and not really re-rolling unless you luck out and are close to a 3-star.
  • While the new Soulbound duo isn’t one of the recommended comps, it’s still one of the strongest synergies. You could theoretically pair it with any of the comps we listed above and you should definitely be grabbing Senna’s early whenever you can (though, again, I wouldn’t be re-rolling for her).
  • With Qiyana being such a powerful pick in TFT, a lot of your decision-making could (and should) be done when you see the board. Not only should you look to build a comp that synergizes with the board, but be aware of the counter comps you can build if one doesn’t come together (e.g. Mystic counters most comps built on an Ocean board and Inferno comps, Summoners counter Cloud boards, etc.).