After some rebranding attempts by the LCS teams, many fans let their opinions be known on social media. Some were well received and others wished they stayed the same. Now we take a look at our favorite logos going into 2020.

#1 – CLOUD9
This logo has been beloved by fans since its inception. The three 9’s made to look like a cloud make it a masterful idea. It is elegant and self-explanatory, the easy on the eyes blue color adds to its simplicity and wearability. With this logo on your hoodie you or shirt you only have to worry about people asking you where you got it.
In short, it is nice to look at and lends itself easily to all sorts of color schemes to make deciding what to wear easy. Cloud9’s logo gets an A+.

#2 – Team Liquid
Some might prefer their much older Curse logo but in my opinion, this was a great move. Not only is it more marketable as a name but a ball of fire in the esports world seems overplayed. Their improved logo is sleek and also has many options for customization, as was seen during their MSI run where they rocked some Avengers gear as well.
The only problem I see is its relation to their name, Team Liquid and a horse. However, their logo does seem to have some history behind it dating back to their original website so they can’t be blamed for going with the nostalgia factor.
Overall, the symmetry, style, and customization of the logo earned them an A-.

#3 – Counter Logic Gaming
If you couldn’t already tell, I am a sucker for simple creativity. This logo might seem simple and random at first glance but it hides the initials of their name in a nice symmetric logo.
The design also easily goes on any shirt or hoodie and does not look jarring to non-gaming audiences. It is easy to make designs around the logo and as evidenced by their multi-colored jerseys ranging from blue to red and even pink. The logo matches the name and looks great, this gives them an A- in my book.

#4 – Team Solo Mid
TSM’s logo has withstood the test of time and their team remains one of the most (possibly even the most) beloved team in the LCS. The love for them is only matched by the hate that they are also given by some fans. It is simple, yet stands out. The black color also means it can go along with pretty much anything and their clothing represents this, especially their grey hoodies.
For added style points the name also very simply reads TSM and is self-contained enough to not stand out harshly to the general population. The TSM logo is just a bit too simple to break the top-3 barrier but it remains one of the best in the LCS with a B+.