10. William “Meteos” Hartman
Maybe one of the best and most innovative junglers of the early LCS era, Meteos has an impeccable resume with two All-Pro selections (most recently in 2018 Spring), two LCS titles, and three appearances at Worlds. His most dominant split came in the spring of 2014, when he was number one or number two in the league in KDA, kills, and deaths.
9. Zaqueri “Aphromoo” Black
The first support to ever win LCS MVP, Aphromoo has been a first-team All-Pro three times in his career, the most of any support in North American League of Legends history. He has three other All-Pro selections, won LCS twice, and made Worlds three times.
8. Cody “Cody Sun” Sun
He has only been a pro since 2017, but Cody Sun has made an All-Pro team in three of his six splits as a pro, and was first-team All-Pro in the Spring of 2018. Most astonishingly, he’s been top-three in gold per minute in five out of his six splits as a pro, top-five in KDA three times, and top two in kills twice. He’s never won LCS, but he’s been to Worlds twice (and it should have been three, honestly) and has been one of the most statistically dominant ADCs in his young career.
7. Jason “WildTurtle” Tran
He may only have one first-team All-Pro appearance (and two All-Pro awards overall), but WildTurtle has also been a statistical juggernaut over the entire lifespan of the LCS since he replaced Chaox as the TSM ADC in 2013. Turtle has been top-three in KDA three different times, and led the league in both gold per minute and kills three times (over four splits). Let’s also not forget that he’s won four LCS titles with TSM and been to Worlds three times.