League of Legends: The 50 Greatest LCS players of the 2010s

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
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League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

35. Choi “Huhi” Jae-hyun

The Aurelion Sol god himself, Huhi was a key member of those strong CLG teams in 2014 and 2015 (though he never made an All-Pro team until the summer of 2017). Unfortunately, his form has fallen off in recent years, but the man was top-10 in kills for two splits during that CLG run.

34. An “BalIs” Van Le

Famous for his Pentakill on Darius at Worlds 2015, Balls was one of the more unappreciated players on those dominant C9 teams. However, he only has one All-Pro honor to his career, on the third-team in 2016. His last professional action came in 2017 when he was reunited with two of his former C9 teammates on FlyQuest.

33. Darshan “Darshan” Upadhyaya

Even his teachers called him ZionSpartan! Once known for being an incredibly aggressive carry top laner, Darshan hasn’t been that same dominant player the last few years. But the fact he’s now playing in Academy doesn’t take away from his play in the early part of his career, when he made two All-Pro teams and won LCS titles twice with CLG.

32. Kim “Reignover” Yeu-jin

He’s still remembered for his dominance along with top lane partner Huni on those Immortals teams in 2016 that won him MVP in the spring and got him two first-team All-Pro selections in the Spring and Summer Splits. Unfortunately for Reignover, those were his only two All-Pro selections as he steadily declined after the breakup of that Immortals squad. He’s now a coach in the Cloud9 organization.

31. Eric “Licorice” Ritchie

His career has been short, just over two years as the top laner for Cloud9, but it’s certainly been impactful. Licorice earned first-team All-Pro honors in Spring 2019 for the first time (he was second-team All-Pro in the previous split and the one following) and he’s been top 10 in Player of the Week awards in two splits (Spring and Summer 2018, which was actually his best statistical split). His limited career might be holding him back now, but from a talent and accolade perspective Licorice could be much higher.