League of Legends LCS: 2020 Preseason Player Ranking

2018 NA LCS Spring Split Grand Finals in Miami, Florida, USA on 8 April 2018.
2018 NA LCS Spring Split Grand Finals in Miami, Florida, USA on 8 April 2018. /
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TSM Broken Blade. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games. /

35. Andy “Smoothie” Ta (CLG, Support) – 74 OVR

Compounding this issue for Stixxay is the fact that CLG made one of the unquestionably worst decisions of the offseason in agreeing to trade Biofrost to TSM for Smoothie. Smoothie had the second-worst vision score per minute among supports (2.1 VSPM) and significantly worse laning stats than Biofrost. Unless the Smoothie/Stixxay synergy makes this pairing better than the sum of its parts, I foresee big issues in the CLG bot lane.

34. Paul “sOAZ” Boyer (Immortals, Top) – 74 OVR

Much like Aphromoo, last year League of Legends fans were subjected to the cruel reality of watching EU legend sOAZ‘s harsh decline from top-tier player to a guy who couldn’t even get a starting job in the LEC. So why is he rated so much higher than Aphromoo?

Well, fortunately for him, sOAZ’s decline came at the hands of superior competition in Europe. There’s every possibility that against weaker opponents in North America sOAZ can extend his career a bit longer.

33. Philippe “Vulcan” Laflamme (Cloud9, Support) – 74 OVR

Vulcan was my lowest-graded support going into Worlds last year with Clutch Gaming. During the tournament itself, Vulcan showed a bit more talent than I had given him credit for, but it’s still not enough to override everything I saw of him last summer. Vulcan had one of the highest death shares for his team among supports (24.6%) and really wasn’t able to capitalize off playing alongside Cody Sun for laning numbers that were more than average.

32. Nickolas “Hakuho” Surgent (Immortals, Support) – 75 OVR

I feel like every year Hakuho puts up solid numbers on a bad team and I’m left frustrated that no one is willing to give him a real opportunity to shine. Last year, he was paired with the likes of Apollo and Lost, but still managed to put up some pretty good numbers including the best adjusted KP (110%) among supports.

31. Sergen “Broken Blade” Çelik (TSM, Top) – 75 OVR

After an impressive start to his “rookie” LCS split, Broken Blade had some serious growing pains in the 2019 Summer Split. In spite of all those issues, Broken Blade was actually still comfortably above-average in most major statistics, despite his and his team’s downturn.