League of Legends LCS: 2020 Preseason Player Ranking

2018 NA LCS Spring Split Grand Finals in Miami, Florida, USA on 8 April 2018.
2018 NA LCS Spring Split Grand Finals in Miami, Florida, USA on 8 April 2018. /
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OPT Dardoch. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
OPT Dardoch. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /

30. Joshua “Dardoch” Hartnett (TSM, Jungler) – 76 OVR

I’ve said my piece about how I think Dardoch will do on TSM this year. Ultimately, it’s not a question of talent, but whether he can overcome the demons that have kept him from being one of the best junglers in the LCS.

29. Tristan “Zeyzal” Stidam (Evil Geniuses, Support) – 76 OVR

Zeyzal has always been a solidly-performing support during his time with Cloud9. Last split, he had the best adjusted KDA (3.22) of all supports, higher even than CoreJJ’s 3.20 aKDA. The real test, though, comes now that he’s separated from his only laning partner in Sneaky and taken away from C9’s steady coaching and management.

28. Kim “Ruin” Hyeong-min (CLG, Top) – 77 OVR

Ruin was actually one of the more impressive laning top laners in the LCS last split, posting gold, XP, and CS advantages of 80, 84, and 0.3, respectively. His one big problem, and it’s one that can easily be fixed, is that he has a tendency to die a lot. If he can fix that, Ruin could be a cornerstone of an underrated CLG team.

27. Lucas “Santorin” Tao Kilmer Larsen (FlyQuest, Jungler) – 77 OVR

In the spring Santorin was perhaps the strongest jungler in the LCS and up for MVP discussion. In the summer, he and his team faltered and he was left in the middle of the pack. Santorin is still one of the more solid junglers and actually has a very good early game, despite the memes of him being a ward, so he should be one of the standouts for FlyQuest.

26. Can “Closer” Çelik (Golden Guardians Jungle) – 78 OVR

One of the biggest problems I have with GGS offseason approach is that all of their biggest questionable moves – letting Froggen walk, swapping Keith from ADC to support – stems from their decision to add Closer to replace Juan Arturo “Contractz” Garcia. While Contractz certainly struggled last year and Closer was one of the best players in Turkey, I’m still not really sure how much of an upgrade this is. From my stat tracking, I was going to have Contractz rated at about a 74 overall but even though Closer is a better jungler he will take up an import slot that Contractz would not.