10. Daniele “Jiizuke” di Mauro (Evil Geniuses, Mid) – 82 OVR
The Italian Stallion himself, Jiizuke is going to certainly bring a lot more excitement and energy to the LCS. And while Jiizuke wasn’t exactly the world-beater of the LEC last year, he still held his own against (sorry NA) far superior competition.
This is a guy who had a better adjusted KDA than Abbedagge and Humanoid, a better adjusted GPM than LIDER, and better damage output than Larssen. All of those players would be considered one of the better mid laners in the LCS if they came over, so I don’t feel too bad putting Jiizuke this far up.
9. Henrik “Froggen” Hansen (Dignitas, Mid) – 83 OVR
Even though Froggen is perhaps the most resource-heavy player in North American League of Legends, you cannot deny the production that he gets from those resources. Last summer, Froggen had the highest adjusted DPM in the LCS at 583.1 aDPM and had the biggest experience lead at 10 among all mids.
8. Eric “Licorice” Ritchie (Cloud9, Top) – 83 OVR
Licorice is, in my mind, the best top laner in the LCS not only based on performance by in how he is able to play both carries and tanks in the lane. He outpaces just about every other top laner in every statistical category and he has no real weaknesses in his game. As the only returning starting Cloud9 member, Licorice will be the backbone of the team in 2020.
7. Vincent “Biofrost” Wang (TSM, Support) – 83 OVR
One of the best supports in the LCS last year, Biofrost posted the second-best adjusted kill participation thanks to his ungodly low (18.3%) death share. He was also a significantly better laner, statistically than his laning partner, Stixxay last year, which makes me believe that with a better partner this year in Kobbe he can thrive in his return to TSM.
6. Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen (Evil Geniuses, Jungler) – 84 OVR
The reigning MVP, Svenskeren had the best split of his career last summer and the best year of his life in 2019. He is in a very new situation on EG, as he will have to be one of the primary leaders and drive play in the early game. He has a better cast of talent around him so the odds are stacked in his favor to continue his incredible level of play from last split.