1. Robert “Blaber” Huang (Cloud9)
2. Lucas “Santorin” Tao Kilmer Larsen (FlyQuest)
Not nearly enough credit, in my opinion, is being given to Santorin for how well he has played through the first two splits. The FlyQuest jungler averages over a 500 experience advantage versus the enemy jungler, while no other jungler even has a 200 experience difference (“XPD”) at 15 minutes.
What’s even more incredible, though, is that Santorin has one of the lowest jungle forward percentages (“JFP”), a measurement of how much time he spends in or beyond the river in the first 15 minutes of the game when near teammates and not taking major objectives. That means that Santorin’s pathing in the early game is incredibly efficient and he is not wasting a lot of time waiting for ganks to develop. Along with the fact that he has one of the best VSPMs of any jungler, Santorin is a huge reason why FlyQuest has gotten off to such a hot start.
3. Shern “Shernfire” Cherng Tai (Team Liquid)
4. Joshua “Dardoch” Hartnett (TSM)
5. Raymond “Wiggily” Griffin (CLG)
6. Jake “Xmithie” Puchero (Immortals)
7. Jonathan “Grig” Armao (Dignitas)
8. Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen (Evil Geniuses)
It’s quite shocking how badly the former LCS MVP has performed so far in the split. Not only is Svenskeren one of the worst junglers in the league in terms of unforced deaths, but he has become one of the more passive junglers in the LCS with only a 22.53% JFP.
The worst stat, however, is that Svenskeren has the most deaths per game of any jungler in the LCS and the second-most of any player in the league. At 4.5 deaths per game, he accounts for 40% of his team’s deaths.
9. Can “Closer” Çelik (Golden Guardians)
10. William “Meteos” Hartman (100 Thieves)
Another veteran player who is struggling off the bat, Meteos actually has a sin worse than Svenskeren’s high death count: he’s inactive. While, yes, Meteos is one of the more aggressive junglers (26.94% JFP versus the jungle average JFP of 24.91%), he has the lowest kill participation in the role at 56.8% KP. Combined with him having such low damage output and the fact that his team has one of the lowest dragon control and first dragon rates in the league, Meteos is not translating all that aggression into kills and objectives for his team.