1. Philippe “Vulcan” Laflamme (Cloud9)
2. Tristan “Zeyzal” Stidam (Evil Geniuses)
3. Vincent “Biofrost” Wang (TSM)
Biofrost has been an absolute gem for TSM this year, playing very solid on a somewhat shaky team. His 3.00 vision score per minute is the best in the league. He has gotten caught out and died a bit more than I would care for (five unforced deaths in eight games) but he has not been egregiously out of position.
4. Lee “Ignar” Dong-geun (FlyQuest)
5. Nickolas “Hakuho” Surgent (Immortals)
6. Zaqueri “Aphromoo” Black (Dignitas)
7. Jo “CoreJJ” Yong-in (Team Liquid)
8. William “Stunt” Chen (100 Thieves)
Stunt had an absolutely atrocious Week 4, particularly Saturday’s game on Nautilus when he went an embarrassing 0/6/1. Over the weekend, Stunt went a combined 0/9/2 with five unforced deaths.
9. Andy “Smoothie” Ta (CLG)
If there was a player on CLG that I would have pointed as the one who should be benched, Smoothie would still be my 100% choice. On a team where he was brought in (for Biofrost, one of the best supports in the league) to be a shotcaller and having his team look this disjointed is unacceptable. Last summer, CLG looked like a team greater than the sum of its parts; now it looks like the parts don’t fit together at all.
Add this to the fact that Smoothie has the worst vision score of all supports by a wide margin (2.05 VSPM) and the incentive for CLG to make the change at support is even bigger. With players like JayJ, Gate, and Diamond available in Academy, if I was CLG I would be making some inquiries.
10. Yuri “Keith” Jew (Golden Guardians)
All-LCS Team Week 4
Here are the best-performing players this week in each position. This is in contrast to the player rated number one in his position, which is based on their play over the year as a whole.
Top: Licorice
Jungle: Closer
Mid: PowerofEvil
Support: Ignar
MVP Tracker
Here are the rankings of my top 10 players in contention for MVP only three weeks into the year. I’ll also note if they were ranked as of last week and if so how their ranking has changed (up or down) since.
1. Blaber (-)
2. Licorice (+3)
3. Zven (-1)
4. Vulcan (-1)
5. PowerofEvil (NR)
6. Broken Blade (+2)
7. Zeyzal (-)
8. Bang (-4)
9. Froggen (-3)
10. Nisqy (-1)
LVP Tracker
And finally, we will do the same exercise for those players that have been the worst in the LCS based on their overall ranking.
10. Stixxay (NR)
9. Bjergsen (NR)
8. Doublelift (+2)
7. ry0ma (-2)
6. Grig (+3)
5. sOAZ (+1)
4. Smoothie (-1)
3. Crown (NR)
2. Keith (-)
1. WildTurtle (-)