TFT: Ranking Every Single Origin and Class in Set 3

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
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League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.


1. Demolitionist

Description: Demolitionist’s spells stun the targets for 2.5 seconds (2 units)


  • Ziggs (1g)
  • Rumble (3g)
  • Gangplank (5g)

Thoughts: Any time you have a trait that adds guaranteed CC, that trait becomes incredibly strong. Only needing two units to activate the guaranteed CC on a Demolitionist’s spell means that this will be a great complementary trait to add to your core comp. It’s really just going to come down to whether the champions are decent or not.

2. Mercenary

Description: Mercenaries can pay gold to upgrade their abilities.


  • Gangplank (5g)
  • Miss Fortune (5g)

Thoughts: This is an incredibly cool concept, allowing players to take that late-game gold and use it for something other than just re-rolling aimlessly. Since there’s no minimum number of units, just having one of these units in your comp late game allows you to scale them up harder. If the units are even decent in the mid game, having Mercenaries in your late game comp will be near-mandatory.

3. Sorcerer

Description: All allies gain increased spell power (2/4/6 units)


  • Twisted Fate (1g)
  • Zoe (1g)
  • Ahri (2g)
  • Annie (2g)
  • Lux (3g)
  • Syndra (3g)
  • Vel’Koz (4g)

Thoughts: This trait is great because it can function either as the core comp or as a complementary trait. With Sorcerers across the cost spectrum, you can plug these into almost any comp, making this probably the most versatile (and thus valuable) synergies in TFT’s Set 3.

4. Mystic

Description: Just like in Set 2, Mystics grant bonus MR to their entire team (2/4 units)


  • Sona (2g)
  • Karma (3g)
  • Soraka (4g)
  • Lulu (5g)

Thoughts: Mystics were always a solid complementary trait to add to your comps in Set 2 and I see no reason why that would change in Set 3.