League of Legends Patch 10.11 Preview: HUGE Marksman Update

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

A preview of League of Legends Patch 10.11 has been released. It contains 28 champion changes, a huge marksman update, and the reworked Volibear.

There’s a huge marksman update set to hit League of Legends live servers next week with Patch 10.11. It was revealed in Riot Scruffy’s Patch 10.11 preview that every ADC champion would be receiving some form of buff on the next patch, whether it be to their base HP or a scaling buff.

This is an attempt to boost the current weak state of bot laners as their impact on the Rift has been limited throughout Season 10 so far.

No fewer than 15 AD carries will see their base health increased by 30 and their health growth increased by 2 which will vastly improve their laning phase and make them much harder to cut down for bruisers and assassins. 4 ADCs (Kalista, Lucian, Tristana, and Vayne) will receive buffs targeted at improving their scaling and will not benefit from the HP buffs.

Aside from that, League of Legends players have the arrival of reworked Volibear to look forward to. The Relentless Storm is set to be unleashed onto Summoner’s Rift next week, so be prepared to insta-lock or insta-ban the champion in solo queue. Here’s a quick summary of why the champion will be incredibly strong in competitive play.

On top of that, there are balance changes for 8 non-marksman champions on Patch 10.11, as well as a few items intended to further improve the quality of life for ADC players.

Here is the full list of changes, all subject to change between now and the official patch notes release:



"W – Bountiful HarvestDamage to Minions: 40% -> 60%"


"Base StatsAttack Speed: 0.658 -> 0.690"


"Q – End of the LineInitial Damage: 45/60/75/90/105 (+100% bonus AD) -> 35/52.5/70/87.5/105 (+80% bonus AD)"


"Q – RampageDamage: 55/95/135/175/215 -> 60/102/144/186/228Damage to Minions: 66% -> 60%"


"W – ZephyrDamage: 55/90/125/160/195 -> 55/85/115/145/175"


"Q – Icathian RainBonus AD Ratio: 35% -> 40%R – Killer InstinctRange: 1500/2000/2500 -> 1500/2250/3000"


"E – Lucent SingularitySlow Duration after Detonation: 0.25 seconds -> 1 second"


"E – Scatter the WeakCooldown: 16/15/14/13/12 seconds -> 18/17/16/15/14 seconds"


"Q – Noxian DiplomacyCost: 30 mana -> 40 manaHeal: 20-71 (based on level) -> 10-71 (based on level)"


The reworked Volibear will be added to League of Legends live servers at some point during Patch 10.11!

Marksman Changes

Ashe. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.

Base HP Buffs


"Base StatsHealth: 500 -> 530Health Growth: 86 -> 88"


"Base StatsHealth: 539 -> 569Health Growth: 85 -> 87"


"Base StatsHealth: 481 -> 511Health Growth: 91 -> 93"


"Base StatsHealth: 574 -> 604Health Growth: 88 -> 90"


"Base StatsHealth: 500 -> 530Health Growth: 86 -> 88"


"Base StatsHealth: 556 -> 586Health Growth: 91 -> 93"


"Base StatsHealth: 581 -> 611Health Growth: 84 -> 86"


"Base StatsHealth: 571 -> 601Health Growth: 86 -> 88"


"Base StatsHealth: 534 -> 564Health Growth: 88 -> 90"

Miss Fortune

"Base StatsHealth: 541 -> 571Health Growth: 91 -> 93"


"Base StatsHealth: 532 -> 562Health Growth: 88 -> 90"


"Base StatsHealth: 582 -> 612Health Growth: 84 -> 86"


"Base StatsHealth: 500 -> 530Health Growth: 89 -> 91"


"Base StatsHealth: 561 -> 591Health Growth: 86 -> 88"

Scaling Buffs


"W – SentinelCost: 20 mana -> 0 manaDamage: 10/12/14/16/18% of target’s max health -> 14/15/16/17/18% of target’s max health"


"Passive – LightslingerSecond Shot Crit Damage: 75% -> 100%"


"Base StatsAttack Speed: 0.656 -> 0.679"


"Q – TumbleBonus AD Ratio: 50/55/60/65/70% -> 60/65/70/75/80%"

Item Buffs

Movement Speed: 5% -> 7%

Rapid Firecannon, Runaan’s Hurricane, Statikk Shiv
Movement Speed: 5% – 7%

Phantom Dancer
Movement Speed: 7% -> 9%

The official Patch 10.11 notes will be released on Tuesday/Wednesday, 26/27 May with the patch hitting live servers during the morning of Thursday, 28 May!