Wild Rift: Everything We Learned from the Gameplay Reveal

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Riot Games
Riot Games /

The gameplay reveal showed some skins that will be available on the Wild Rift.

6. New Items

Items will function basically the same in Wild Rift as they do in League of Legends, albiet with slightly different balancing changes (different numbers and the like). However, we also got an indication that there will be new items unique to the Wild Rift!

We saw a preview for Awakened Soulstealer, an AP item that grants reduced cooldown on your ultimate for each takedown (to a max of five). Riot also revealed Thimble Winter, which grants a shield after you CC someone.

One of the biggest changes, though, is that you are now limited to only one active item in your kit. These items will be tied to your boots, functioning as an upgrade after you’ve bought tier two boots. Some of the active “items” we’ve seen include QSS, Zhonyas, Redemption, and Gargoyle’s Stoneplate.

7. Game Modes

Riot confirmed that there will be a ranked mode in the Wild Rift, testable in the Alpha testing. There will also be co-op vs. AI mode for you to play with your completely new friends, as well as tutorials. They also teased that they will be adding more game modes after the launch, so I would guess maybe there will be something like URF or ARURF down the line.

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8. Skins

The biggest joy for mobile gamers came towards the end of the video, in which Riot confirmed that the annoying mobile trends of pop-ups, wait times for power-ups, and the pay-to-win system will not be coming to the Wild Rift. Instead, Riot intends to monetize the game just like it does for League of Legends, with skins!

Riot previewed a few skins that will be available like Foxfire Ahri, Battle Boss Blitzcrank, Demon Vi, Secret Agent Xin Zhao, Cowboy Miss Fortune, Glacial Malphite, Arclight Vayne, and High Noon Jhin. More skins will be coming in the future and the developers confirmed that other cosmetics like emotes and borders will also be available on the Wild Rift.