Every team in the LCS has one big question going into Summer 2020.
Question: How do you fix all this?
At the other end of the spectrum, CLG became a full-blown laughingstock in the Spring Split to the point that teams were embarrassed to lose to them. They have some strong players like top laner Kim “Ruin” Hyeong-min and newly-acquired mid laner Eugene “Pobelter” Park, but they have severe deficiencies in the bot lane.
There is no strong carry on this team that I think they can lean on as they’re made up of complementary players. The team is, right now, quite a mess, and I’m not sure what CLG can do with this roster in Summer 2020.
Question: Dardoch or Akaadian?
Dignitas is pretty well set in the mid lane and bot lane, and they upgraded their top lane in the offseason by acquiring Omran “V1per” Shoura to replace the released Heo “Huni” Seung-hoon. Their team has a lot of firepower, but the same issue that plagued them going into the Spring Split will likely crop back up in the summer.
That issue is the jungle, as Dignitas signed cast-off TSM jungler Joshua “Dardoch” Hartnett to compete with the man who finished out the Spring Split, Matthew “Akaadian” Higginbotham. In my opinion, Akaadian is the player I’d rather go with, but Dignitas appears to not have that same confidence in their jungler. With competition open for the summer, we’ll have to see which of the two takes over the starting jungle position.
Evil Geniuses
Question: So…what’s all this about Huni?
EG most certainly is one of the teams that will be competing for one of the two remaining spots at the World Championship (I’m just gonna assume C9 has one of NA’s three spots locked up). They have strength throughout the roster and their synergy was developing nicely at the end of the Spring Split.
The only real issue EG had was in their top laner Ziqing “Kumo” Zhao. Now, I think Kumo was more than serviceable enough for EG in the spring, but management apparently disagreed. They signed Huni to bolster their top lane, a move that could catapult them into the catbird seat for the second seed. There’s just one problem.
Huni still takes up an import slot which means he, mid laner Daniele “Jiizuke” di Mauro, and ADC Bae “Bang” Jun-sik cannot all be on the roster at the same time. That means that this move was either made with 2021 in mind or the team might swap out Bang or Jiizuke in some games. It will be interesting to see if Evil Geniuses decide to make swaps like these during the year.