LCS Summer 2020: Rating and Ranking Every Starting LCS Player

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
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League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

We continue our LCS player power ratings and rankings ahead of Summer 2020!

40. Zaqueri “Aphromoo” Black (Dignitas, Support) – 69 OVR (-2)

One of the big reasons that I fear for Johnsun is because his lane partner, Aphromoo, continues to show signs that his career is on the decline. Aphro was one of the worst warding supports last year, with only a 2.43 VSPM. He also had one of the lowest kill participations (64.9%) among supports in the spring.

39. Ian Victor “FBI” Huang (Golden Guardians ADC) – 70 OVR (+1)

FBI had spurts of play where I thought he might actually be a better-than-average ADC in the LCS. His low ranking is due to having one of the lowest gold per minute and kill share rates for his position, despite the fact that he got a fair amount of early jungle attention. It certainly seems like Golden Guardians made it a priority to play around FBI, but he wasn’t able to take advantage.

To be fair, FBI did a respectable amount of damage and I’m sure a lot of these issues were due to the instability in the support role. Hopefully, in Summer 2020 he and Huhi can find some synergy with more playing time so we can see where the young bot laner’s skill level actually is.

38. Paul “sOAZ” Boyer (Immortals, Top) – 70 OVR (-4)

Another player who appears to be on the decline, sOAZ was consistently one of the worst top laners in the LCS last year. His 54.9% kill participation was abysmal even for top laners and he had the worst adjusted KDA of any player in the LCS other than Golden Guardians support Yuri “Keith” Jew. He is also one of only two top laners to not register a single solo kill in all of spring split.

37. Ziqing “Kumo” Zhao (Evil Geniuses, Top) – 70 OVR (+4)

Kumo is the other player to not register a solo kill in the top lane, but unlike sOAZ there are a lot more reasons to be positive about the Evil Geniuses top laner. For one, Kumo was the best solo laner in the LCS when it comes to playing without pressure, as he had the lowest jungle proximity in his lane during the regular season. Kumo was perhaps the best weak-side top laner last split and if he can get the deaths down (and bump up his kill participation), he has the makings of a solid LCS player.

36. Nickolas “Hakuho” Surgent (Immortals, Support) – 71 OVR (-4)

Hakuho had another split of “musical ADCs” last spring, as he split time with Apollo and Altec in the bot lane. While Hakuho was once again one of the best supports in terms of not leaking away needless deaths, I was still a bit underwhelmed by his lack of roams and vision control. I so desperately want to see how Hakuho can do in a stable bot lane with a decent ADC (*cough* 100 Thieves *cough* call Immortals now *cough*).