LCS Summer 2020: Rating and Ranking Every Starting LCS Player

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /
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League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /

We continue our LCS player power ratings and rankings ahead of Summer 2020!

30. Jake “Xmithie” Puchero (Immortals, Jungler) – 76 OVR (-2)

Xmithie had a few solid weeks of play towards the middle of the Spring Split, but ultimately he wasn’t able to sustain that level of play as Immortals faded down the stretch. A lot of the team’s struggles are attributed to Xmithie not having much of a team to play around, but if that were true we would expect Xmithie to be trying to carry the load for his other teammates, which is not indicated by his 14.1% kill share and 69.5% kill participation.

While Xmithie is heralded as being one of the smartest and most reliable junglers, his death numbers tell a different story. He had one of the highest deaths per game and was tied for the most unforced deaths in his role. As a result, Xmithie had the worst adjusted KDA among all junglers at 0.77.

29. Lucas “Santorin” Tao Kilmer Larsen (FlyQuest, Jungler) – 77 OVR (-)

The good news for Santorin is that his rating didn’t change following his and FlyQuest’s incredible run in the spring. The bad news is that, early on, I really thought it was going to. Santorin was solidly among the top three junglers in the LCS during the first five to six weeks of the split, but his play began to slowly decline to slightly-below-average in the season’s final weeks.

Santorin really should be the new king of the “stable” junglers, because he dies very few times and gave up the fewest unforced deaths per game of all junglers. His biggest problems, though, are his early game and the fact that he just doesn’t contribute enough in damage or vision to place him higher in our rankings.

28. Mads “Broxah” Brock-Pedersen (Team Liquid, Jungler) – 77 OVR (-3)

Broxah was supposed to be the acquisition that pushed Team Liquid over the edge from domestic dominator to international contender. Unfortunately for reasons both in and out of his control, not onlyh did that not happen but Broxah had perhaps his worst split ever.

Of course, Broxah came into this year in a sticky situation, as visa issues precluded him from joining the team until halfway through the split, at which point the team appeared to be damaged beyond repair. That said, Broxah was one of the worst early game junglers in his time in North America (the only junglers who had a worse average gold deficit at 15 were Shernfire and Grig) and had the lowest kill share (12%) of all junglers.

27. Can “Closer” Çelik (Golden Guardians Jungle) – 77 OVR (-1)

Closer was unquestionably the heart of an upstart Golden Guardians team that defied all preseason expectations, but I think a lot of fans gave the jungler a bit too much credit for the team’s success. He was an average early-game jungler, gave away a lot of free deaths, and had pretty poor vision control.

One of the biggest issues I had with him, though, was his damage output. His 179.6 adjusted DPM was ahead of only Grig and Shernfire for junglers and his 11.1% damage share was the worst in his role. That’s not ideal for someone who primarily played Lee Sin and Jarvan last split.

26. Raymond “Wiggily” Griffin (CLG, Jungler) – 78 OVR (-1)

You might think I’m crazy for putting Wiggily this high, but in my opinion he is criminally underrated. He had the second-best XP differential for junglers behind only LCS MVP Blaber.

While he certainly did have a lot of unforced deaths (and just plain deaths in general), the fact of the matter is that Wiggily was on a team where everyone was dying all the time. This meant he had to carry a much larger burden of damage and kills compared to the rest of his teammates, which he certainly did. He was one of the best in the league in terms of kill participation.