Our League of Legends tier list for Patch 10.12 ends in the support role.
Support Tier List
S tier: Yuumi, Lulu, Bard (⇑)
A+ tier: Senna, Blitzcrank (⇓), Thresh (⇓), Leona, Janna (⇒), Soraka (⇑⇒)
A tier: Nami (⇐), Nautilus (⇓), Sona (⇑),
B tier: Karma (⇐), Taric (⇐⇓), Zilean (⇓), Morgana (⇓), Pyke, Maokai, Rakan, Sett (⇑), Brand (⇑⇒)
C tier: Lux (⇐), Alistar (⇐⇓), Shaco, Vel’Koz, Swain, Zyra (⇓), Braum, Xerath, Fiddlesticks (⇑), Galio (⇓)
D tier: Tahm Kench
F tier: Shen (⇓), Poppy, Neeko (*), Veigar (*), Malphite
Dropped: Gragas, Volibear
- * = new to the tier list this patch
- ⇑ = improved (rated at least one tier higher than the previous patch)
- ⇓ = declined (rated at least one tier lower than the previous patch)
- ⇐ = borderline-up (within 10% of being in the next-higher tier)
- ⇒ = borderline-down (within 10% of being in the next-lower tier)
Rising Picks
Rakan was the biggest riser in Patch 10.12, going up to be solidly in the B tier.
Dropping Picks
Ironically, despite him gaining power in the mid lane, Galio had the biggest drop among supports. He dropped out of the B tier down to the mid-C tier.
Underrated Picks
The most underrated pick in Patch 10.12 is Nami. She has the lowest pick rate among all A tier supports at just 3.1%.
Overrated Picks
For the second split in a row, Pyke and Karma remain our two worst picks for champions in the top-ten for pick rate in the support role.
Buffed Champions
Despite all the buffs that Brand has gotten recently, he is still sitting between high-C and low-B tier. In this patch, we find him just barely in the B tier following buffs to his passive.
With Senna, there’s always a concern that any buff that’s targeted at her ADC power will spill into the support role. Luckily, that doesn’t seem to be the case with the buffs to her Passive, as Senna sits about in the same spot as the last patch (high-A+ tier).
Nerfed Champions
The nerfs to minion damage should have hurt Fiddle support more than jungle, taking away his ability to push waves with his ADC. So it’s surprising that he actually improved following these nerfs, jumping up into the C tier from the D tier.