LCS Summer 2020: Week 1 Player Power Rankings

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
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League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

A look at the best supports in Week 1 of LCS Summer 2020 and we hand out our weekly awards.


1. Tristan “Zeyzal” Stidam (Evil Geniuses)

A great start to the split for Zeyzal, who led all supports in Week 1 of LCS Summer 2020with 24 assists while only dying one time. He had some absolutely fantastic Lulu ults in their game against CLG, often using it not just for the heal and shield, but to buffer Wiggily’s dashes onto his ADC.

2. Jo “CoreJJ” Yong-in (Team Liquid)
3. Philippe “Vulcan” Laflamme (Cloud9)
4. Choi “huhi” Jae-hyun (Golden Guardians)

Vision control is the number one job of any support and Huhi was the best in his role. He was the only support to have a vision score per minute above 3, which is an impressive feat.

5. Lee “Ignar” Dong-geun (FlyQuest)
6. Vincent “Biofrost” Wang (TSM)
7. Austin “Gate” Yu (Immortals)
8. William “Stunt” Chen (100 Thieves)
9. Andy “Smoothie” Ta (CLG)
10. Zaqueri “Aphromoo” Black (Dignitas)

Zeyzal’s Lulu was the support on the other team, but Aphromoo was the Lulu support on your team. I counted so many opportunities where Aphromoo just didn’t ult anyone in a teamfight, not positioning near his carries to help them escape the Yuumi ults and Bullet Times from TSM. In the other game, on Leona, Aphro was clearly not on the same page as his teammates, often going in where his teammates couldn’t possibly follow up.

All-LCS Team Week 1

Here are the best-performing players this week in each position. This is in contrast to the player rated number one in his position, which is based on their play over the year as a whole.

Top: Licorice
Jungle: Closer
Mid: Jiizuke
ADC: Tactical
Support: Zeyzal

MVP Tracker

We handed out our midseason MVP last week but, as always, we will give our ranking of the top 10 in the MVP standings.

    1. Jiizuke
    2. Licorice
    3. Zeyzal
    4. Tactical
    5. Closer
    6. Blaber
    7. CoreJJ
    8. Kumo
    9. Damonte
    10. Vulcan

    LVP Tracker

    And, unfortunately, on the other side we must give our ranking of the worst players in the LCS so far this split.

    10. V1per
    9. Eika
    8. Smoothie
    7. Pobelter
    6. Broken Blade
    5. Meteos
    4. Altec
    3. Spica
    2. Aphromoo
    1. Ry0ma