Our TFT guide ranks all the items breaks down which champions can use each item best.
C Tier Items
These items are just never good to have. You basically only build these unless their numbers are grossly overtuned or when you’re down to your last few components.
32. Celestial Orb
Use: You’ll get some nice healing for your team if you have one other Celestial (probably Lulu) out there, but this isn’t going to be a priority in most cases.
Optimal users: Anyone.
33. Hextech Gunblade
Use: You can use this item on any champion who is primarily spell-reliant for his damage and…wants healing I guess.
Optimal users: Darius, Caitlyn, Cassiopeia, Gangplank, Irelia, Ahri, Syndra, Viktor, Urgot, Teemo.
34. Zeke’s Herald
Use: Put it in between your two biggest carries to give them extra attack speed. That’s it.
Optimal users: Any tank.
35. Statik Shiv
Use: Extra magic damage but it’s only good on a champion that is auto-attacking a lot and shouldn’t be prioritized unless the numbers are overtuned.
Optimal users: Vayne, Jinx, Kog’Maw.
36. Zz’Rot Portal
Use: Uh…it gives you an extra tank unit if your unit dies, but it’s never that impactful.
Optimal users: Any tank.
37. Luden’s Echo
Use: Extra AoE magic damage on spell use, but it scales horribly (only does a flat amount of damage) and you generally would want either component to make better items like Blue Buff or Rabadon’s.
Optimal users: Ziggs, Cassiopeia, Ahri, Syndra.
38. Chalice of Power
Use: Much like Zeke’s Herald, Chalice is just something you stick on a tank or enchanter to help boost the spell power of nearby carries.
Optimal users: Any tank or Mystic.
39. Locket of the Iron Solari
Use: Yep, it’s another item that you just want to smack on a tank or enchanter to protect your frontline.
Optimal users: Any tank or Mystic.
40. Sword Breaker
Use: Disarms the enemy, meaning they cannot attack for a few seconds. This is another on-hit item, but the chance is so low and the effect is so unimpactful, it’s rarely worth it to get this item unless you’re down to the two components.
Optimal users: Any Blaster or a champion with Ruunaan’s Hurricane.
41. Redemption
Use: Heals your team when the unit dies, so make sure you stick it on someone who is likely going to die pretty early on in the fight.
Optimal users: Anyone.
42. Shroud of Stillness
Use: Increase the mana cost of the enemy champions in front of you. Very unimpactful.
Optimal users: Anyone.
43. Warmog’s Armor
Use: Extra health.
Optimal users: Tanks.
44. Battlecast Plating
Use: Turns your unit into a Battlecast, but given how long it takes to ramp up and get the effect, that’s rarely worth it unless as a last resort.
Optimal users: Anyone.
45. Rebel Medal
Use: You’re very rarely trying to go full Rebels unless the class gets massively buffed. Getting the extra shield is nice, but not worth it to sacrifice a better item.
Optimal users: Anyone.