League of Legends Tier List: The Best Champions in Patch 10.14
By Josh Tyler
Our League of Legends tier list for Patch 10.14 ends in the support role.
Support Tier List
S tier: Senna, Bard, Lulu
A+ tier: Blitzcrank (⇐), Thresh (⇓), Janna (⇑)
A tier: Soraka, Nautilus, Karma, Leona, Sona (⇑), Nami (⇒)
B tier: Taric (⇐), Zilean (⇐), Pyke, Morgana (⇓), Lux, Yuumi (⇓), Alistar (⇑), Galio (⇑), Rakan, Shaco (⇑), Brand (⇒), Pantheon (*), Maokai (⇒), Zyra (⇒)
C tier: Swain, Xerath, Vel’Koz, Sett (⇑), Braum, Fiddlesticks (⇑)
D tier:
F tier: Tahm Kench, Zac (*), Veigar, Neeko (*), Shen, Poppy (*), Malphite
- * = new to the tier list this patch
- ⇑ = improved (rated at least one tier higher than the previous patch)
- ⇓ = declined (rated at least one tier lower than the previous patch)
- ⇐ = borderline-up (within 10% of being in the next-higher tier)
- ⇒ = borderline-down (within 10% of being in the next-lower tier)
Rising Picks
The biggest improvement to a support on our tier list was actually Galio, who went from mid-C to mid-B tier in just one patch.
Dropping Picks
Yuumi is just dropping like a stone following her nerfs last patch. She’s down to the mid-B tier from the A+ tier last patch.
Underrated Picks
A newcomer to the A tier among supports, Sona sits with a pick rate under 2% but still has a win rate over 53%, making her our underrated pick of the week.
Overrated Picks
He might be a lot of fun to play as a support, but Sett should not have the ninth-highest (8.2%) pick rate when he’s only a C tier support pick.
Buffed Champions
Alistar actually had the second-biggest improvement to his ranking on our tier list after Galio. Thanks to the buffs to his Pulverize’s cooldown, he rose out of the C tier into the mid-B tier.
Nerfed Champions
Just like mid lane, the nerfs to Pyke support ended up being a wash. He’s still hovering around the high-B range in Patch 10.14 even with less ability to roam as a support.