LCS Summer 2020 Week 6 is in the books, here is where the teams sit in our LCS power rankings.
5. Golden Guardians (6-6)
Elo: 363 (+23)
Two huge wins in Week 6 brought Golden Guardians right back into the middle of the pack, even at a 6-6 record. Yes, they beat the two worst teams in the LCS in order to get that 2-0 week, but as CLG has shown that is not an easy task for everyone.
That said, I’m not nearly as high on Golden Guardians as many other prognosticators might be because of how those wins came. As mentioned above, Dignitas basically handed GGS their win without any resistance, but the Immortals win was hard-fought.
Golden Guardians managed to get out to an early lead and continued to build it over the course of the game, which is great, but my concern is that they didn’t build up that lead nearly fast enough. When you’re on a team with multiple global champions (GP and TF) with multiple ways to engage fights (Bard ult, Sett engage) you should really be looking to snowball the leads much harder than GGS did, in my opinion.
5. Evil Geniuses (6-6)
Elo: 394 (+22)
They entered the week with a herculean task, going up against the two best teams in the LCS, and they managed to come away with a 1-1 record. Their initial game, a loss against Team Liquid, was probably frustrating for the team because had their draft been better they could have easily turned the game into a win. After a controversial substitution, top laner Heo “Huni” Seung-hoon and jungler Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen were doing a great job to make Impact’s life miserable.
Unfortunately, new mid laner Greyson “Goldenglue” Gilmer was completely outmatched by TL’s Jensen, who was easily able to make more out of his lead than Huni could on Karma top. If they’d put Huni or Svenskeren on more of a carry, I think GGS had a great chance to win.
But then, they did manage to win in a stunning upset over Cloud9, handing the giants of LCS their second loss of Summer 2020. In that game, Goldenglue popped off on Zoe (one of his best champions in spring) going 6/2/7. More importantly, though, Huni was put on a carry champion, Gangplank, going 4/1/8 and outdamaging everyone in the game by over 5,000.