Our LCS Summer 2020 Week 6 player power ranking ranks the junglers.
1. Robert “Blaber” Huang (Cloud9) – 90.6
2. Can “Closer” Çelik (Golden Guardians) – 86.8
3. Lucas “Santorin” Tao Kilmer Larsen (FlyQuest) – 86.1
4. Juan Arturo “Contractz” Garcia (100 Thieves) – 84.5
5. Jake “Xmithie” Puchero (Immortals) – 81.9
While he gets a lot of flak from the community for passive play, Xmithie remains one of the better-than-average junglers simply because he doesn’t screw up as bad as other worse junglers do. Although his early game pathing is not great, averaging gold and experience deficits at 15 minutes, and his damage output is among the bottom for junglers, he does very well at controlling vision (1.67 VSPM is best for all junglers) and helping his team (101.3% adjusted kill participation).
6. Matthew “Akaadian” Higginbotham (Dignitas) – 79.1
7. Joshua “Dardoch” Hartnett (Dignitas) – 79
8. Mads “Broxah” Brock-Pedersen (Team Liquid) – 78.1
While many (including myself) consider Broxah to be the weak link on a strong Team Liquid, it is worth keeping in mind that the man has the highest adjusted KDA (3.35) of all junglers. That is thanks, in large part, to the fact that he rarely gives away deaths (averaging 1.3 deaths per game). However, the Broxah hate train for his passivity is not undeserved as he has the worst gold-to-damage ratio (0.59) of all LCS junglers by a large margin.
9. Raymond “Wiggily” Griffin (CLG) – 75.9
10. Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen (Evil Geniuses) – 75.5
11. Mingyi “Spica” Lu (TSM) – 75.0
Let’s not mince words here: Spica was godawful last week. The 2/8/5 combined scoreline doesn’t even begin to demonstrate how poorly he played in Week 6. Out of those eight deaths, five were entirely preventable and completely unforced.
Whether it was invading when his lanes didn’t have priority, not using an axe to check the brush before he walked in while his team was killing a nearby ward, or just walking into mid lane and not using flash to either kill a low health ADC or just escape, Spica made so many mind-blowing mistakes in Week 6. It’s a shame because he had previously done a fine job of stabilizing those bade performances with solid stats overall.
12. Joseph “Potluck” Pollock (Immortals) – 74.8
13. William “Meteos” Hartman (100 Thieves) – 73.6