Our League of Legends tier list for Patch 10.15 moves to the mid lane.
Mid Lane Tier List
S tier: Zed, Kassadin, Fizz (⇒)
A+ tier: Yasuo (⇐⇑), Katarina (⇐⇓), Galio, Ekko (⇓), Talon, Vladimir (⇒), Diana (⇒)
A tier: Ahri, Orianna (⇑⇒)
B tier: Sylas, Cassiopeia (⇓), Zoe (⇓), Nocturne, Twisted Fate (⇓), Qiyana, Pantheon, Leblanc, Karthus (⇑), Malzahar, Annie, Anivia, Syndra (⇒), Lux (⇒)
C tier: Nunu & Willump (⇐⇑), Veigar (⇓), Lissandra, Vel’Koz (⇓), Pyke (⇓), Akali, Aurelion Sol, Swain (⇑), Neeko, Viktor (⇓), Rumble, Irelia, Azir, Xerath, Karma, Ziggs, Ryze
D tier: Zilean (⇐⇓), Corki, Malphite (⇓), Lucian, Sett, Taliyah (⇓), Renekton, Morgana (⇓), Jayce, Mordekaiser, Cho’Gath (⇒)
F tier: Garen (⇐⇓), Aatrox (⇓), Lillia (*), Heimerdinger (⇓), Brand, Kog’Maw
Dropped: Ornn, Kayle, Camille, Wukong, Heimerdinger
- * = new to the tier list this patch
- ⇑ = improved (rated at least one tier higher than the previous patch)
- ⇓ = declined (rated at least one tier lower than the previous patch)
- ⇐ = borderline-up (within 10% of being in the next-higher tier)
- ⇒ = borderline-down (within 10% of being in the next-lower tier)
Rising Picks
Unquestionably the biggest riser in this patch was Swain, who went from low-D tier to high-C tier due to the buffs he got this patch.
Dropping Picks
On the other side, the nerfs Twisted Fate got in this patch knocked him down to mid-B tier after being low-A+ tier last patch.
Underrated Picks
Two patches in a row, Vladimir is the most underrated A tier pick sitting with only a 3.2% pick rate.
Overrated Picks
A lot of mid laners that are overrated in Patch 10.15. In fact, half of the top-ten mids by pick rate did not even make our A tier for this patch: Sylas, Twisted Fate, Leblanc, Zoe, and Akali.
Buffed Champions
As we noted, Swain was the most-improved champion in this patch, but it was due to buffs to just about every one of his abilities other than his ult, including his passive.
Nerfed Champions
Twisted Fate
And, as we noted, the nerfs to TF’s W – Pick a Card cooldown (meaning he has access to gold card stuns less often) were big enough to take him down into the B tier.