Our LCS Summer 2020 Week 7 player power ranking ranks the junglers.
1. Robert “Blaber” Huang (Cloud9) – 94.3
2. Can “Closer” Çelik (Golden Guardians) – 88.5
3. Juan Arturo “Contractz” Garcia (100 Thieves) – 86.2
4. Lucas “Santorin” Tao Kilmer Larsen (FlyQuest) – 84.4
5. Joshua “Dardoch” Hartnett (Dignitas) – 83.2
“Nobody wants Dardoch.” With those three words, a meme was born that Dardoch appears hell-bent on proving wrong in Summer 2020.
The dude has basically been the only thing going for Dignitas over the last few dismal weeks. In their lack-luster loss to TSM in Week 7, Dardoch was the only one on his team to secure a single kill against his old mates (he had three). Then, in DIG’s stunning win over Evil Geniuses, Dardoch went 8/3/14 on Graves, tied with Fenix for the most kills in the game.
Memes aside, Dardoch has certainly stepped up his game this split, bringing his deaths per game down from 3.0 to 2.3 (tied for the third-fewest among junglers). He is also one of the most efficient junglers, as one of only two players in the position with a damage-to-gold ratio over 1.00 (Contractz is the other and the leader in that category).
6. Matthew “Akaadian” Higginbotham (Dignitas) – 79.1
7. Jake “Xmithie” Puchero (Immortals) – 78.1
8. Mads “Broxah” Brock-Pedersen (Team Liquid) – 77.5
9. Raymond “Wiggily” Griffin (CLG) – 76.5
10. Mingyi “Spica” Lu (TSM) – 75.0
11. Joseph “Potluck” Pollock (Immortals) – 74.8
12. William “Meteos” Hartman (100 Thieves) – 73.6
13. Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen (Evil Geniuses) – 70.7
There may not have been a bigger fall from grace this season than Svenskeren. Just a year ago, he was MVP of the LCS. Now, he is statistically the worst jungler in the league.
In contrast to Dardoch, Svenskeren currently has the most deaths per game (3.4) and has the worst kill participation (62.2%) among junglers. Putting those together with his way below average damage per minute (207) and damage share (11.1%), it tells a tale not of a jungler whose high death count is due to sacrificing himself for the team (Xmithie would be an example of that) but of one who gives away needless deaths. His 15 unforced deaths (second only to Spica’s 16) and 25.7% death share (behind only Blaber at 30.9% despite only averaging 2.4 deaths per game because no one on C9 dies) confirm that.