Our LCS Summer 2020 Week 9 player power ranking ranks the junglers.
1. Robert “Blaber” Huang (Cloud9) – 92.9
2. Can “Closer” Çelik (Golden Guardians) – 87.5
3. Juan Arturo “Contractz” Garcia (100 Thieves) – 87.3
4. Lucas “Santorin” Tao Kilmer Larsen (FlyQuest) – 87.0
5. Joshua “Dardoch” Hartnett (Dignitas) – 84.3
6. Mads “Broxah” Brock-Pedersen (Team Liquid) – 82.7
7. Matthew “Akaadian” Higginbotham (Dignitas) – 79.1
8. Jake “Xmithie” Puchero (Immortals) – 78.6
9. Kristopher “Fragas” Myhal (CLG) – 77.8
10. Raymond “Wiggily” Griffin (CLG) – 76.2
11. Mingyi “Spica” Lu (TSM) – 76.0
12. Joseph “Potluck” Pollock (Immortals) – 74.8
13. William “Meteos” Hartman (100 Thieves) – 73.6
14. Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen (Evil Geniuses) – 72.2
Most Improved: Spica
Don’t start high-fiving yourselves TSM. Spica entered the split as one of the lowest-graded players in the game and he still is. He’s just not quite as bad as I thought he might be during the split.
Most Consistent: Wiggily
Consistency is a great thing…unless you’re consistently below average. Wiggily never graded higher than 76.5 in the Summer Split which means he’s well below the average grade of 80. At his lowest he was only a 73.3 so, yay I guess he wasn’t as terrible as Svenskeren.
Most Efficient: Contractz
Only two junglers had a damage-to-gold ratio over 1.00 this split: Contractz and Dardoch. Of the two, Contractz averaged almost 90 damage per minute more than Dardoch.
Best Early Game Jungler: Blaber
No surprise, but Blaber continues to be one of the best early game junglers in the LCS, averaging gold and experience leads of close to +700 at 15 minutes.
Worst Early Game Jungler: Spica
He averaged the largest XP deficit at 15 minutes (-471) other than Fragas who only played three games. Some more gank-prone junglers can turn those farm and experience deficits into gold leads (Santorin is a prime example of this, with a -111 XPD at 15 but a +66 gold diferential), but Spica just never managed to keep up with any LCS junglers this year.
Most Mistake-Prone: Svenskeren
He had the most unforced deaths (22) of any jungler on top of being the second-worst early game jungler.
Biggest Disappointment: Svenskeren
A year ago he was being named the Summer Split MVP, and deservedly so. Now, I wouldn’t be surprised if EG walks away from Sven after just one year. It’s been a truly sad fall from grace.