Finally, we give our LCS awards for Summer 2020 following the end of Week 9.
First Team All-LCS
Top: Ssumday
Jungle: Blaber
Mid: PowerofEvil
ADC: Tactical
Support: Vulcan
Second Team All-LCS
Top: Licorice
Jungle: Santorin
Mid: Jensen
Support: Zeyzal
Third Team All-LCS
Top: Solo
Jungle: Closer
Mid: Bjergsen
ADC: Bang
Support: Treatz
Rookie of the Split
Honorable mentions: Insanity, Treatz
Coach of the Split
Honorable Mentions: Reaperd, DLim
Best In-Season Roster Swap
Contractz for Meteos
Honorable mentions: Treatz for Biofrost, Fenix for Froggen, Gate for Hakuho
Worst In-Season Roster Swap
Goldenglue for Jiizuke
Honorable mentions: Allorim for sOAZ, Huni for Kumo
Best Offseason Roster Swap
Tactical for Doublelift
Honorable mentions: Doublelift for Kobbe, Solo for V1per
Worst Offseason Roster Swap
V1per for Huni
Honorable mentions: Damonte for Goldenglue, Spica for Dardoch
Honorable mentions: Ssumday, Tactical