LCS Summer 2020: Week 9 Player Power Ranking and Season Awards

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
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League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

Finally, we give our LCS awards for Summer 2020 following the end of Week 9.

First Team All-LCS

Top: Ssumday
Jungle: Blaber
Mid: PowerofEvil
ADC: Tactical
Support: Vulcan

Second Team All-LCS

Top: Licorice
Jungle: Santorin
Mid: Jensen
Support: Zeyzal

Third Team All-LCS

Top: Solo
Jungle: Closer
Mid: Bjergsen
ADC: Bang
Support: Treatz

Rookie of the Split


Honorable mentions: Insanity, Treatz

Coach of the Split


Honorable Mentions: Reaperd, DLim

Best In-Season Roster Swap

Contractz for Meteos

Honorable mentions: Treatz for Biofrost, Fenix for Froggen, Gate for Hakuho

Worst In-Season Roster Swap

Goldenglue for Jiizuke

Honorable mentions: Allorim for sOAZ, Huni for Kumo

Best Offseason Roster Swap

Tactical for Doublelift

Honorable mentions: Doublelift for Kobbe, Solo for V1per

Worst Offseason Roster Swap

V1per for Huni

Honorable mentions: Damonte for Goldenglue, Spica for Dardoch



Honorable mentions: Ssumday, Tactical