Worlds 2020: Rating and Ranking the Best ADC Players

Photo by Michal Konkol/Riot Games.
Photo by Michal Konkol/Riot Games.
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Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games.
Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games.

We break down the best ADC players that you will see at Worlds 2020.

15. Chiu “Bruce” Chih-Chun (Machi Esports) – 76 OVR

Bruce actually has one of the highest adjusted DPMs of all ADCs at Worlds (576.5) and one of the highest damage-to-gold ratios (1.32). However, a lot of this high damage is explained by the fact that his most-picked (and most successful) champions for the year were Miss Fortune and Ezreal. These are two of the biggest damage-dealers in the role and, considering how mediocre his performance has been on these other picks, that makes me a bit less hopeful for his and Machi’s prospects.

14. Jang “Ghost” Yong-jun (Damwon Gaming) – 76 OVR

Ranking this low when you’re playing with the best support in the world is quite concerning. Replacing Nuclear from last year’s team, Ghost has shown to be a solid player in terms of KDA (5.56 aKDA) but those stats were largely due to riding his teammates’ coattails.

During the regular season, he averaged only a 62.7% kill participation and 20.8% damage share. Those numbers are hideously bad compared to other AD Carries. And, though he did improve those numbers in the playoffs, it wasn’t to Damwon’s success but more their detriment.

Even worse, though, is that Ghost hasn’t been stuck on Senna and Ashe all year. Yes, Senna is his second most-picked champion, but Ezreal is his most-picked and his damage is still putridly low. If you’re facing Damwon Gaming, ban Senna and force Ghost to beat you because he really hasn’t shown that he can do so on other picks.

13. Luka “Perkz” Perković (G2 Esports) – 77 OVR

Another converted mid laner, Perkz had the benefit of coming into 2020 with a full year of ADC play under his belt. But after a brief return to the mid lane and a swap back to the bot during summer, it’s quite clear that his talents are wasted in this role.

His KDAs on ADCs are consistently lower than they are on the mid lane mages he played and Perkz was one of the worst laners in the summer compared to all other ADCs around the world. Unfortunately, though he’s an incredibly talented player, Perkz will likely be identified as one of G2’s biggest weak points by opponents.

12. Ilya “Gadget” Makavchuk (Unicorns of Love) – 77 OVR

This is the man that other Senna players across the world need to be taking notes from, because Gadget has been an absolute monster on this pick. He’s won 10 of 11 games playing Senna with a 9.25 KDA and averaging over 13 assists per game.

It’s not as though he’s a complete one-trick either, since he’s put up very solid numbers on his other favorite picks like Aphelios and Kalista. The main knock against Gadget is that he hasn’t proven himself against elite competition. He will get that chance at Worlds.

11. Steven “Hans Sama” Liv (Rogue) – 78 OVR

Hans Sama is another very strong Senna player (72.7% win rate, 7.0 KDA in 11 games during 2020), but that is not the champion Rogue has trusted him on for most of 2020. Instead, it’s been Aphelios as his most-played champion with 19 games this season.

The problem, though, is that he’s not particularly good on Aphelios (3.0 KDA, 57.9% win rate) and he has no other champions that he’s shown to be consistent on. He has only two other champions that he played five or more games on total this year – Ezreal and Draven – and on neither of those does he have a KDA over 4.0.