Worlds 2020: Rating and Ranking Every Jungler at Worlds

Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games.
Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games.
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Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games.
Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games.

We break down every jungler that you will see at Worlds 2020.

5. Lê “SofM” Quang Duy (Suning) – 86 OVR

In his second LPL season, SofM has announced his arrival by following in the footsteps of other great Vietnamese junglers like Levi. This year, SofM was the dominant jungler in terms of controlling vision, with a 2.11 VSPM. He was also highly efficient in terms of his damage (0.824 damage-to-gold ratio) despite the fact that his damage was about average for the jungle role.

For his champion pool, it’s a lot of the standard picks, with him having played at least 10 games on Lee Sin, Jarvan, Trundle, and Olaf. However, his KDAs on those picks are neither exceptional (none above 5.50) nor terrible (none below 3.00), so it’s going to be very hard to pinch his champion pool.

4. Oskar “Selfmade” Boderek (Fnatic) – 86 OVR

It’s difficult to overstate just how good Selfmade has been in his first year with Fnatic, including how much his champion pool has opened up the rest of his team. With Gragas as his most-played champion and other top picks including Lee Sin, Kha’Zix, and Evelynn, Selfmade gives his team options to play tanky and supportive champions in the solo lanes, or just run full AD across the board.

Selfmade is also one of (if not the) best carry junglers in the world, reflected by his champion pool but also the fact that his 387.1 aDPM is third-highest of junglers attending Worlds 2020. Better yet, he gets those advantages by snowballing the early game, averaging over a 500 experience lead in the LEC’s regular season, which improved to over 700 in the playoffs. In those playoffs, he also averaged 4.2 kills per game, which is 1.5 kills more than the average for junglers in 2020.

3. Seo “Kanavi” Jin-hyeok (JD Gaming) – 89 OVR

While Selfmade is among the best carry junglers, I would argue that Kanavi is the best carry jungler in the World. Not only is he one of the most-demanding junglers in the world (a 375.5 aGPM and a 20% gold share this summer), but he justifies those resources with lots of damage (392.2 aDPM) and kills (averaging 3.4 kills per game in the LPL regular season).

Of course, he’s a Lee Sin master (68% win rate and a 5.12 KDA) but it was curious to see Kindred (69% win rate, 3.52 KDA) tied for his second most-played champion along with Graves (62% win rate, 3.59 KDA). But after that top three, his next two picks – Rek’Sai and Nidalee – are also dominant as he has won 14 out of 18 games on those picks and averaged over 4 kills per game on each of those champions.

2. Kim “Canyon” Geon-bu (Damwon) – 88 OVR

Canyon is my pick for the best jungler in the world (we’ll get to the one player who beat him out statistically) because he dominated one of the hardest regions in the early game. During the regular season of the LCK, his gold/CS/XP differentials at 15 (+895/+15/+964) were staggering. He made some of the best junglers in the world look like absolute chumps this summer.

On top of that, his other stats are very good (4.54 aKDA, 380.0 aGPM) to solid (66.6% kill participation, 329.8 aDPM). His low damage, at least, is easily explained by the fact that Trundle is his most-picked jungle champion (tied with Lee Sin) and he also plays a lot of Rek’Sai, Olaf, and Sejuani. The single knock you can make against Canyon is that his kill participation is lower than most junglers but then again he’s playing with two massive solo lane carries so that also explains his low KP.

1. Lee “Bugi” Seong-yeop (V3 Esports) – 91 OVR

I took a lot of crap last year for saying that Levi would prove himself to be the best jungler in the world, so I’m fully prepared to be proven wrong (again) by Bugi. But my god, even though he played in the LJL, Bugi’s stats dwarf those of junglers around the world.

His adjusted KDA for Summer 2020 was 6.00, based on averaging 5.4 kills per game and only 1.4 deaths per game during the regular season (4.8 kills and 1.7 deaths during the playoffs). It’s not like he was playing for KDA either, as his kill participation was over 80% in both the regular season and playoffs, and his 478.7 aDPM was not only the highest among all junglers but higher than many Worlds AD Carries! In the playoffs, he did 27.5% of his team’s damage!

Now, part of that is due to the fact that he has been able to pick up Lillia (the second-highest DPM jungler in 2020 per but he only played her 7 out of 49 games this year. And it’s not like he spammed Graves and Nidalee the rest of the time either, as his top-five champions by pick rate include Lee Sin, Elise, and Rek’Sai, strong champions who do damage but don’t necessarily account for the massive skew of his high DPM.

Of course, that high damage did not come all that efficiently (he had a 0.66 damage-to-gold ratio, which is below average) and he didn’t stomp LJL junglers as hard as Canyon did in the LCK (though his 15-minute gold/CS/XP differential in the regular season was an impressive +620/+11/+774). The fact of the matter is, the only real drawback you can say about Bugi is that he hasn’t shown how he measures up against the best junglers in the world. Now he will get the chance.