League of Legends: Aggregated Solo Queue Tier List for Patch 10.20
By Josh Tyler
Our League of Legends tier list for Patch 10.20 moves to the jungle.
Jungle Tier List
S tier: Hecarim, Graves, Kha’Zix, Kayn
A+ tier: Karthus (⇐), Nunu & Willump (⇐), Ekko, Fiddlesticks
A tier: Elise (⇐⇓), Rek’Sai (⇓), Zac, Evelynn (⇑), Master Yi (⇒), Vi (⇒)
B tier: Shaco (⇐⇓), Volibear, Lee Sin, Shyvana (⇓), Warwick (⇓), Rengar, Rammus, Nidalee, Lillia, Olaf, Skarner, Xin Zhao, Ivern, Kindred
C tier: Sejuani (⇐), Jax, Jarvan IV, Udyr, Wukong, Amumu (⇓), Poppy (⇑), Gragas, Taliyah, Nocturne, Dr. Mundo, Sylas, Trundle (⇑), Sett (⇒)
D tier:
F tier: Pantheon (⇐), Twitch, Shen, Diana, Urgot (*)
Dropped: Morgana
- * = new to the tier list this patch
- ⇑ = improved (rated at least one tier higher than the previous patch)
- ⇓ = declined (rated at least one tier lower than the previous patch)
- ⇐ = borderline-up (within 10% of being in the next-higher tier)
- ⇒ = borderline-down (within 10% of being in the next-lower tier)
Rising Picks
Trundle had the biggest rise of this patch, as he moved up into the C tier.
Dropping Picks
Amumu fell out of the B tier into the C tier in Patch 10.20, the biggest drop among junglers.
Underrated Picks
The lowest-rated A tier jungler is also the least-picked. Vi is our pick of the most underrated jungler in this patch.
Overrated Picks
All four of our overrated picks in Patch 10.19 – Lee Sin, Nidalee, Sylas, and Lillia – returned to the overrated pick list in Patch 10.20.
Buffed Champions
Riot elected to buff two off-meta jungle picks – Sion and Urgot – but Urgot is the only one who made our jungle tier list. He’s F tier and barely on the list, but he is there.
Nerfed Champions
Nerfs to Karthus’s base armor expectedly hurt his ranking, but not that badly. He’s still a high-A+ tier jungle pick.
Nunu & Willump
The Boy and his Yeti also got some nerfs to his base armor. Like Karthus, though, they’re still mowing through the jungle in the A+ tier.