Our League of Legends aggregated solo queue tier list for Patch 10.22 moves to the jungle.
Jungle Tier List
S tier: Hecarim, Kha’Zix
A+ tier: Graves (⇐), Kayn (⇐⇓), Fiddlesticks, Nunu & Willump
A tier: Ekko (⇐⇓), Elise, Evelynn (⇑), Zac, Master Yi (⇒), Lillia (⇑⇒)
B tier: Lee Sin (⇐), Rek’Sai (⇐⇓), Rammus (⇐), Shaco (⇓), Shyvana, Vi (⇓), Volibear (⇓), Karthus (⇓), Amumu (⇑), Warwick, Rengar, Skarner, Olaf, Ivern, Kindred, Xin Zhao (⇒), Nidalee (⇒)
C tier: Udyr (⇐⇓), Sejuani, Jarvan IV, Nocturne, Trundle, Jax, Gragas (⇑), Sylas (⇑⇒), Poppy (⇒)
D tier: Wukong (⇓), Sett
F tier: Dr. Mundo (⇓), Taliyah (⇓), Shen, Twitch
Dropped: Urgot, Diana
- * = new to the tier list this patch
- ⇑ = improved (rated at least one tier higher than the previous patch)
- ⇓ = declined (rated at least one tier lower than the previous patch)
- ⇐ = borderline-up (within 10% of being in the next-higher tier)
- ⇒ = borderline-down (within 10% of being in the next-lower tier)
Rising Picks
Thanks to some buffs, Amumu rose up from the mid-C to the mid-B tier in this patch, the largest improvement of any jungler.
Dropping Picks
And Karthus fell the furthest of all junglers in Patch 10.22, thanks to some nerfs he got this patch. He dropped all the way from the A+ tier down to the mid-B tier.
Underrated Picks
The A tier jungler with the lowest pick rate on this patch is Master Yi, making him our pick for underrated jungler of the patch.
Overrated Picks
Lee Sin, Nidalee, and Kindred remain overrated in Patch 10.22 (Lee Sin and Nidalee seem to be permanent members of the overrated junglers club).
Buffed Champions
You wouldn’t have thought changing Amumu’s Curse of the Sad Mummy from a root and disarm to a stun would have that big an effect, but he had the biggest bump to his ranking on our solo queue tier list.
Perhaps the most reliable tank jungler, historically, in League of Legends, buffs to her Glacial Prison, the Boar Rider didn’t really get a boost to her rating this patch. She remains weak and in the C tier.
Nerfed Champions
Five damage off his Lay Waste hurt Karthus’s clear speed and knocked him out of that A+ tier.