Our League of Legends aggregated solo queue tier list for Patch 10.23 looks at the mid lane.
Mid Lane Tier List
S tier: Akali, Zed, Ekko, Viktor, Fizz, Katarina
A+ tier:
A tier: Diana (⇐), Malphite (⇐), Galio (⇐), Annie, Malzahar, Ahri, Yasuo, Sylas (⇒), Leblanc (⇒)
B tier: Talon (⇐), Brand (⇐), Yone (⇐), Lux, Zoe, Orianna, Lissandra, Morgana, Xerath, Rumble, Cassiopeia, Qiyana, Vladimir, Neeko, Twisted Fate, Lucian, Syndra, Pyke, Seraphine, Veigar, Ziggs, Vel’Koz, Anivia (⇒)
C tier: Swain (⇐), Aurelion Sol (⇐), Irelia, Azir, Ryze, Kassadin, Jayce, Sett
D tier: Nocturne (⇐), Nunu & Willump, Kayle, Pantheon, Zilean, Heimerdinger, Karthus (*), Taliyah, Renekton, Aatrox, Mordekaiser, Kennen (*), Cho’Gath (⇒), Kled (*⇒), Corki (⇒)
F tier: Riven (⇐*), Quinn (*), Camille, Wukong (*), Tristana, Karma (*), Garen (⇓)
- * = new to the tier list this patch
- ⇑ = improved (rated at least one tier higher than the previous patch)
- ⇓ = declined (rated at least one tier lower than the previous patch)
- ⇐ = borderline-up (within 10% of being in the next-higher tier)
- ⇒ = borderline-down (within 10% of being in the next-lower tier)
Underrated Picks
New season, but same story for Annie as she remains our most underrated mid laner. She has only a 1.3% pick rate (but a 55.4% win rate) in Platinum and above despite being an A tier mid laner.
Overrated Picks
Only two mid laners made our overrated list for Patch 10.23, due to being top ten in pick rate but being rated B tier or lower. Those would be Orianna and Yone. Maybe switch to some Annie if you’re not having success with those champions.