LCS 2021: Ranking All the Starting LCS Top Laners

Photo by OSHIN VILLA TUDAYAN/Riot Games.
Photo by OSHIN VILLA TUDAYAN/Riot Games. /
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Photo by OSHIN VILLA TUDAYAN/Riot Games.
Photo by OSHIN VILLA TUDAYAN/Riot Games. /

8. Aaron “FakeGod” Lee (Dignitas)

With three years of experience in Academy, along with a few appearances in the LCS, FakeGod appeared to be one of those budding young players who had paid his dues and was ready to make the next level.

And, in fact, FakeGod has proven to be among the best top laners in the Academy league. His 395 GPM, 12.1 EDD, 342.0 MAGXD @ 15, and 2.47 aKDA are all above the average for his position. The big question is whether this above-average play in the Academy league is going to translate to the LCS stage.

FakeGod’s champion pool was also fairly strong in 2020, playing 14 unique champions and showing elite performances on Ornn. His champion pool ranked around the middle of the pack compared to the other top laners, which is at least encouraging.

One other interesting note is that, during his 2020 year with 100 Thieves Academy, is that they tended to give FakeGod favorable matchups at a rate higher than almost all LCS players. With him favored to win lane in 58.7% of games, he had an expected MAGXD @ 15 of 381.0 on average, meaning he was typically put in lanes he was expected to win hard.

Ultimately, there is a good argument to be made that FakeGod has given a strong enough performance to warrant a spot in the LCS in 2020. The only question that remains, though, is whether he can elevate his play to be among the best top laners in the league, rather than towards the bottom of the pack.