5. Finn “Finn” Wiestål (CLG)
Finn is an interesting signing for CLG. On one hand, you could make a strong case that he will end up being the best player on their team and his relatively strong play in the LEC shows his true potential. On the other, you can also make the case that he’s one-dimensional and getting to play on a fantastic Rogue team in 2020 covered up a lot of his holes.
For one, Finn did not manage to demonstrate that he had a deep champion pool in 2020. Although he played 17 unique champions last year, he had no champions that he demonstrated an elite level of play on, which put his champion pool rating among the worst in the LCS.
As far as stats go, Finn was forgiven a bit by the fact that he faced higher quality competition in EU. The problem is that he tended to fare quite poorly against that competition. That was particularly true when it came to his laning, where he posted a -426.7 MAGXD @ 15.
While his KDA numbers were quite impressive, his gold per minute and damage outputs were both slightly below average. In any case, Finn is coming to the LCS with low expectations buoyed by the fact that he’s faced some of the best competition in the world. We will have to see if he measures up.