Mythic Items
Kraken Slayer
It’s a bit surprising that this is the most popular Mythic item among Jinx one-tricks, but it’s even more surprising that some players will build it even into single-tank enemy comps. Trying to pick up on patterns, it seems that most Jinx mains build Kraken Slayer into comps with a hyper-tank like Rammus or Malphite.
What players would expect to be her most popular item, Galeforce tends to be built on Jinx only in instances where the enemy team has a lot of long-range engage that Jinx can use the dash to avoid.
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Immortal Shieldbow
The least-popular Mythic for the Loose Cannon, players really only seem to take Immortal Shieldbow into high-burst comps that are hard to avoid with Galeforce. Even then, it’s very rare to see this Mythic.
Legendary Items
Runaan’s Hurricane
This is the standard second item for Jinx, as players will get a ton of value out of the extra attack speed, crit chance, and the bolts that spread Jinx’s damage in teamfights.
Phantom Dancer
Another very strong attack speed item that is usually built as an alternative to Runaan’s. This tends to be taken in instances where Jinx needs to kite back and make use of the Spectral Waltz passive and get the shield.
Infinity Edge
This is the third item spike for Jinx where she really starts to come online. Build this after your attack speed Legendary (Runaan’s or PD, with Rapidfire Cannon as a third, less popular, option) to really amp your damage output.