Riot Games announces “LCS Game Changers” To Enhance Diversity

Riot Games
Riot Games

Riot’s Games is looking to add a women’s touch to the LCS, and we love it.

On Aug. 24, Riot Games announced the LCS Game Changers program, an initiative they’re putting in place to help promote diversity in the League of Legends pro scene. It’s no surprise that the LCS would make this push for inclusion similar to many North American organizations before it. But this is the first time that there’s ever been a move to put the marginalized group right at the forefront of the brand.

The LCS Game Changers will allow the opportunity for women in the League of Legends community to be scouted by pro teams. According to Riot the goal of the program is to “support women who are high ELO League of Legends players and work to transition them into our amateur and professional leagues.” They’ll be selecting the 10 best high-ELO women to participate in the event, offering them the opportunity to train with various coaches and trainers on both the pro and amateur level.

In the Valorant community, Riot Games launched a Game Changers program that has been well received by the entire community. The broadcasts are viewed by many and it’s been able to shine a spotlight on the great women players in the community. However, Riot has chosen to keep LCS Game Changers under wraps and not live stream it out of respect to the women they select. But, moving forward that doesn’t mean that this won’t change.

Player applications are now open and the selections will take place on Sept 3. Click this link and follow the instructions to submit yours and hopefully be selected to participate in the program. when it comes around on Sept 27.

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