From infamous troll to logo of the game…
In a recent unexpected turn of events League of Legends adopted Tyler “Tyler1” Steinkamp as their mascot for a couple of hours. There’s been a long history of turmoil between the familiar Twitch streamer and Riot Games but all that is now a thing of the past. Even if this is a quick laugh for everyone in the community it’s amazing to see how far Tyler1 has come.
On Sep 23, Riot pulled an unexpected move and changed their official Twitter profile picture to an image of Tyler1 and Annie. The picture has since been taken down as the profile image. This was likely done in a celebratory move to congratulate the streamer on achieving Challenger in the mid lane during his Unranked to Challenger series. If you’ve followed his journey from the early seasons of League this might’ve seemed unimaginable but right now he’s one of the biggest influencers in the LoL online community.
Obviously, Tyler1 isn’t the Jerry West of League of Legends but this was a hilarious move. Taking into account that at one point he was banned from ever playing the game it’s a feel-good story. You can really tell just how much he’s adored by the League of Legends community from the fact that he was recognized by the official Twitter page, it’s not like they create a banner for every player that turns challenger.
This came shortly after some harsh criticism from the Twitch streamer on how easy the mid-lane role was compared to top lane in ranked. His criticisms labeled the role “Mickey Mouse, Cupcake” making it clear that amongst the roles he’s climbed to Challenger with [Top and Jungle] this is the least difficult by a longshot. He also had some choice words about the support role that’s been completely busted during the last patch. It looks like the double enchanter meta has been hitting everybody pretty hard.
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