With the pro updates done, Riot’s back on schedule with 11.20.
In a short turnaround, Riot Phlox has released the full notes for the next League of Legends patch 11.20. There are a few changes from the 11.20 preview including no more Senna buffs (thankfully) and an Imperial Mandate buff. These changes won’t shake up the game too much but there’ll be some welcomed additions to the play rotation now that’ll make things a little more interesting. Here’re all the changes coming in the next update.
Patch 11.20 Preview
System Buffs
Imperial Mandate
Initial Hit Damage: 36-60 to 45-75; Bugfix: Properly attributes mark damage/kill credit to whoever hits the mark
System Nerfs
Smite Healing
Max Health Healing: 15% to 10%; Krug/Gromp Base AD: 78 to 74
Taliyah (Jungle)
Subsequent Hit Monster Damage: 80% to 75%
Q Damage: 70/100/130/160/190 to 70/95/120/145/170; Mana Cost: 30/35/40/45/50 to 70
E Damage: 50/65/80/95/110 (+75% AP) to 50/60/70/80/90 (+60% AP)
Jarvan IV
Passive Damage: 10% Current HP to 8% Current HP
Passive AD Ratio: 30% to 20%
Passive Shield: 60-11 to 50-101
W Cooldown: 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 to 5 at all ranks
Base Health: 534 to 555; Armor Resist/lvl: 3.35 to 4
W Cooldown: 22/21/20/19/18 to 18 at all ranks; Nonchamp Heal Cap: 90/120/150/180/210 to 120/150/180/210/240
R Cone Damage: 50/95/140/185/230/275 to 60/110/160/210/260/310
Just like everyone thought that Amumu Bandage Toss (Q) took a big hit. This damage nerf was one thing but boosting the mana cost was really what made this pretty devastating for the champion. Not only doesn’t the mana scale anymore but it’s set to a flat amount 20 points higher than the previous final level. If Amumu players want to take advantage of the new double Q mechanic they’ll need to think heavily about it in the early levels. This change will definitely force players to use the move more sparingly.
These Udyr buffs will be interesting to see, the cone damage buffs that he received are pretty outrageous. With that much damage, it makes him a pretty enticing pick. But you can tell from the buffs overall that Riot is trying to show some love to the jungle players. Elise, Hecarim, and Darius each got a pretty solid buff that’ll fairly increase their pick rates in 11.20.
Overall, 11.20 looks to be a pretty calm patch to get us through World Championship season. These changes are in the PBE currently, but make sure to check them out once the patch goes live on Oct 6.
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