Astralis has three wins. promisq has 3 MVPs. ‘nuff said…
Astralis continue to find random obliterations over LEC teams despite being last place and this time SK Gaming was on the chopping block. It’s a good thing that AST aren’t making playoffs, because if they did, I promisq this man will not be getting Leona for the entire series. A virtuoso from the much-maligned-and-much-memed Astralis support, promisq was out and about very early in the game, setting up a pick on Gilius to snowball WhiteKnight’s Graves into splitpush heaven. His synergy with Zanzarah is genuinely one of the best jg/supp combos in the entire league and the last place team would have so many more wins under their belt had they been able to have a good foundational understanding of mid game macro. SK looked somewhat disorientated this game and it might have come from the early invade that put Gilius behind; with their primary engine being behind and tracked all over the map in the early game, SK could not find any real footing to accelerate the game off of.
BlogOfLegends MVP: AST promisq (3)
Rogue dust Excel off their plate with an MVP performance from Trymbi’s Rakan. The RGE support is finally growing into his own after the departure of superstar bot laner Hans Sama and, after going quiet for a couple of weeks, shows his early season form once again with devastating early game roams and just gorgeously smooth Rakan engages. Finn and Mikyx did not have the best of games on this one and they both struggled with overstepping all throughout the game and got punished for it in crucial moments which game Rogue a lot of breathing roam to eventually set up their objectives and teamfight their way to victory through their late game carries.
BlogOfLegends MVP: RGE Trymbi (1)