Claps returns. Hylissang’s Pyke somehow is still allowed to stay.
G2 vs BDS
It might’ve taken him seven weeks but Claps returns from his slumber once again with a vintage performance from his legendary Sylas, completely taking over the game against BDS. BDS came in with quite an interesting draft featuring AP Kog’Maw mid and Zilean support, but Caps’ laning as well as his solokill over NUCLEARINT really threw a kog in BDS’ plans and Caps was able to accelerate ahead, capping off his game with a genuine 1v4 Quadra Kill. With the main character finally online and BrokenBlade looking as good as ever on his unapologetically carry top picks, G2 look quite good going into the final week of LEC.
BlogOfLegends MVP: G2 caPs (1)
I have no idea why this was dubbed the Match of the Week, it would’ve been more appropriate to dub it David vs Goliath, or David vs Hylissang. The FNC support completely went nuts as he finds more and more games on his signature Pyke pick, rampaging across the Rift with all the mobility in the world. Hyli’s ability to set up plays from fog was a huge reason for why Fnatic were able to stave off the Lions’ early lead and, eventually, they propelled ahead of the reigning champs with good teamfighting. Hyli’s executes also gave them free gold to further accelerate their item completion timings, ensuring that MAD had virtually no way back into the game.
BlogOfLegends MVP: FNC Hylissang (2)
MAD Lions are having a bad go of it this split around and it makes sense why when they’re two stalwart carries were taken away from them just when they had built them up to a championship team. Even the more experienced players look out of it as Elyoya and Kaiser have still yet to find the synergy that made them so powerful in 2021. I do not think this team will make playoffs, and even if they do, I do not think they make it past the first round. Let’s see what Coach Mac has in store for us in the Summer Split.