Luger and Poome finally show promise as CLG comeback against a rampaging Evil Geniuses squad.
Halt, Villains!
Counter Logic Gaming finally manage to stop the Evil Geniuses’ rampage with an exhilarating back and forth game that ended with Luger’s Zeri hypercarrying the team to victory. This felt like a game between two top teams as the fights devolved into many skirmishes as both teams fought their objectives from multiple vantage points, trying to find the killer flank to burst down the carries. Inspired’s Lee Sin was instrumental in setting up the early leads for EG, and alongside Jojopyun’s Ryze and Vulcan’s Nautilus, they got out to an early lead before their teamfighting falling apart in the face of Luger.
Luger and Poome finally showed the LCS what all the hype was about, with the duo carrying the majority of the weight with a tremendous Zeri/Yuumi performance – the best we’ve seen so far in the LCS. CLG as a unit were playing really well around fights, with Contractz picking up the mantle in the early game but getting caught out (surprise!, surprise!) which prompted Luger to take over on the Zeri. The Turkish rookie was unabashedly aggressive in the face of many EG players, and with Yuumi on his back, completely ran them down alongside Jenkins’ Camille, who offered valuable CC that helped lock up the Geniuses for the beatdown of a lifetime. Luger hasn’t been as explosive as he was in Lock-In (same could be said about EG too however) but has generally been a middle of the pack bot laner this split. Given that Poome is one of the weakest supports in our league, that would be quite the accomplishment I would say. I look forward to his development within several months in the league.
BlogOfLegends MVP: CLG Luger (1)