xMatty is the worst player of 2022 LEC Spring Split

Berlin, Germany - March 4 --- during the 2022 League of Legends European Championship Series Week 8 at the LEC Studio on March 4, 2022 in Berlin Germany (Photo by Michal Konkol/Riot Games)
Berlin, Germany - March 4 --- during the 2022 League of Legends European Championship Series Week 8 at the LEC Studio on March 4, 2022 in Berlin Germany (Photo by Michal Konkol/Riot Games) /

MAD Lions do it again, this time with the help of the most unlikeliest source. xMatty continues to be the worst player of the split.


MAD Lions continue to keep their playoff aspirations alive with another win over Astralis this time around. I am beginning to see some patterns emerge as we head into the final week; Reeker finds himself again on Twisted Fate, Armut finds himself on Gnar, and UNF0RGIVEN finds himself on Jinx. This works really well for Reeker, who will pick up his first BlogOfLegends MVP, with a nice performance on the Twisted Fate, being everywhere he needs to be and setting plays alongside Armut and Elyoya. The rookie mid laner has had no shortage of blame for being nonexistent throughout the game, and while Coach Mac might be using Twisted Fate as a crutch, it is quite an effective crutch as Reeker is able to pilot the global utility champion to great success as he sets up fellow rookie UNF0RGIVEN to decimate the opposition.

BlogOfLegends MVP: MAD Reeker (1)


Comp’s Caitlyn comps up clutch once again as the Greek ADC runs through BDS as Rogue hands them yet another L in quite a long string of Ls. The matchup between Comp’s Caitlyn and xMatty is one I took perverse pleasure in; I was certain that Comp would pick up an MVP for himself if he got to play against the worst player of the split, and sure enough, he did! xMatty continues to be a disappointment as his teamfight mechanics and ability to rapidly process information seems severely lacking even compared to the average LEC ADC – I still have no idea how this guy was supposed to be some sort of coveted rising star player, I would be shocked if he were to return to the league next split.

BlogOfLegends MVP: RGE Comp (3)