BrokenBlade top diffs Alphari. Too Late for the Lions. 2022 LEC Spring Split Week 8

Berlin, Germany - March 5 --- during the 2022 League of Legends European Championship Series Week 8 at the LEC Studio on March 5, 2022 in Berlin Germany (Photo by Michal Konkol/Riot Games)
Berlin, Germany - March 5 --- during the 2022 League of Legends European Championship Series Week 8 at the LEC Studio on March 5, 2022 in Berlin Germany (Photo by Michal Konkol/Riot Games) /

BrokenBlade top diffs Alphari as Vitality crumble under the weight of their own useless bot lane duo. MAD Lions finish the last week of the split undefeated but it is all for naught.

VIT vs G2

It is extremely rare to see Alphari get top diffed but that’s what happened at the hands of BrokenBlade’s Tryndamere as the Turkish beast takes down Vitality by choking out their reliable win condition. I cannot really fault Alphari for this game however, Tryndamere’s ultimate is some of the most disgustingly absurd abilities to have to play against and BrokenBlade simply used that cooldown wisely, solokilling the British laning tyrant not once but twice, and snowballing ahead enough to the point where Vitality could not realistically come back anymore. Carzzy, fresh off his abysmal lethality Xayah build into tanks yesterday, followed up with a pretty garbage Caitlyn game, being another anchor that pulled down any chance that Team Vitality had of clawing their way back.

BlogOfLegends MVP: G2 BrokenBlade (3)


While it didn’t change their fortunes, MAD Lions ended their blessed Super Week with a bang by going 3-0, with a near-perfect game from Elyoya. It seems that towards the end the Lions have figured out a formula to success – I dare anyone to argue that Reeker’s three straight games of Twisted Fate was not a huge reason as to why MAD went undefeated in Week 8. Armut kicked it into high gear by playing his signature champions late into the split and Elyoya reinstated himself as the omnipresent carry of this team, but it was too little too late. Nevertheless, I am not too worried about them, especially given UNF0RGIVEN’s great rookie split, I have full trust in Coach Mac that this team will look solid come next split.

BlogOfLegends MVP: MAD Elyoya (4)