2022 LEC Spring Team Vitality Recap: The Super Team That Almost Didn’t Make Playoffs

Berlin, Germany - February 26 --- during the 2022 League of Legends European Championship Series Week 7 at the LEC Studio on February 26, 2022 in Berlin Germany (Photo by Wojciech Wandzel/Riot Games)
Berlin, Germany - February 26 --- during the 2022 League of Legends European Championship Series Week 7 at the LEC Studio on February 26, 2022 in Berlin Germany (Photo by Wojciech Wandzel/Riot Games) /

Record: 6th place (9-9)

Player Rankings

2nd Ranked Top: Alphari. 4 BlogOfLegends MVPs.

2nd Ranked Jng: Selfmade. 3 BlogOfLegends MVPs.

4th Ranked Mid: Perkz. 3 BlogOfLegends MVPs.

9th Ranked Bot: Carzzy.

6th Ranked Sup: Labrov.

When you lay out their rankings and BlogOfLegends MVPs like this, it is quite easy to see why the almighty super team barely squeaked into playoffs by beating the last place team at the 11th hour. The Vitality bot lane have been quite abysmal, especially given their expectations, and has cost the team more than one game by losing the leads that Selfmade works hard to get for them. Labrov especially has been a non-starter, and is making it painfully obvious that when people say “the superteam of Vitality”, he was never part of the reason why in the first place.

Selfmade has been a massive standout this split, and I would consider him the MVP of this team. He has been virtually omnipresent throughout the game, by linking up with Perkz to establish mid lane dominance and control river vision and then rotating top side to set up superstar Alphari to carry the game. Even an idiot can see that he has been breaking the stereotype attached to him as a selfish player and continues to flourish and shine bright in a team marred with inconsistency and failed promises.

The team established their natural style late into the split, which involves setting up Alphari to carry the game by the natural gold leads that the laning tyrant will establish single-handedly. This works well with Perkz’s ability to influence side lanes in the mid game. The God Emperor’s genius IQ regarding how to choke out an opposing splitpusher through overloading a side lane can be a huge factor in the playoffs in two weeks. We will see if Perkz can work his magic once again and carry another different team to another championship or will he finally be stopped by the young. new blood flowing in the veins of the LEC.