2022 LCS Spring Week 5 Day 1: EG vs IMT. TSM vs FLY.

Riot Games
Riot Games

Danny gets a Triple. Jose gets a Quadra. 3 < 4.


Danny erupts in spectacular fashion as he picks up the BlogOfLegends MVP for this game. Inspired ran the show early by picking up a few kills with intelligent ganks and Evil Geniuses were able to transition that lead effectively into a couple of objective takes via more skirmishes. However, Jojopyun’s aggressive plays went a bit too far and PowerOfEvil capitalized, bringing Immortals back within striking distance.

But that is when Danny’s Eclipse Ezreal went crazy, chunking and near-solokilling targets from off screen with his laser focused accuracy. He rendered himself completely invulnerable to Destiny’s Nautilus as well, Shifting away from the brink of danger while peppering Immortals with massive artillery damage. EG continue to look good after their super week, they are coming into their own as the team starts to find semblances of identity.

BlogOfLegends MVP: EG Danny (2)


FlyQuest bounced back from their horrible super week with a dominating win over the last place TSM. TSM’s freshly promoted Academy mid laner Takeover started out well, being omnipresent on the map and snowballing his side lanes with his Ahri. However, Josedeodo popped off in a fateful dragon fight, securing himself a dazzling Quadra Kill that was quite reminiscent of DoinB’s 1v5 PentaKill last year. After that, FlyQuest simply started to run away turrets with their Baron and succinctly closed out the game from there on out.

I was decently impressed with Takeover’s professional debut in this game, as the new TSM mid was able to find key plays to at least get the engine rolling early game, contrary to Keaiduo who was unable to find many plays early and defaulted to simply sitting mid lane and farming. They still have quite a few issues to work out before they can escape the 10th place meme, but the addition of Takeover seems to be a marked improvement at least thus far.

BlogOfLegends MVP: FLY Josedeodo (2)