Blaber and Fudge punish Jojopyun to take down EG. Josedeodo turns in another MVP performance against River and his famous Jarvan IV. Takeover proves that imports with language barriers don’t necessarily make for a good team.
EG vs C9
Blaber appears to be going supernova as of late as he absolutely explodes over the Evil Geniuses, going 6/0 in the first 12 minutes of the game. The mid/jg duo of Cloud9 is kicking into high gear in Week 5 of LCS as they just run over the entire game with the massive pressure Blaber puts on the map and Fudge’s Ryze transitioning it over with epic tower dives and brilliant teamfighting.
Jojopyun wastes Impact’s tremendous Akali performance as the Lock-In sensation is becoming more and more of the reason why his team is losing these games. While his laning prowess and his potential as a player are not being questioned, his unabashedly aggressive play often leaves him vulnerable to enemy counterfire and his overall game hasn’t evolved to the point where he can make those aggressive plays without being so readily countered. I believe he will get there one day, but as far now, he is the biggest reason as to why EG finds themselves as a middle of the pack team.
Blog Of Legends MVP: C9 Blaber (3)
FlyQuest manage to do the unthinkable and take down River’s legendary Jarvan IV with some heroics from Johnsun at the end of the game to seal the win for FLY, who are looking to bounce back from their heinous super week performance. Both junglers went toe to toe with each other in the early game, as Josedeodo and River traded kills back and forth as they tried to establish advantages for their team through smart teamfighting and AOE ultimates. Josedeodo comes out on top this time around and picks up yet another MVP for his cool and poised play around smite flips and coordinating with his team to find key pickoffs with the Hecarim to get the win over River and Dignitas.
Blog Of Legends MVP: FLY Josedeodo (3)
Takeover secures his first MVP despite only playing for two games as the TSM Academy prospect turns in a stylish Sylas performance to triumph over the Golden Guardians and give TSM a much needed second win in the LCS. Both TSM solo laners looked sharp today as Huni’s Graves was also a massive factor in their victory, setting up nice flanks and using his mobility to kite and dodge out of GG members whilst outputting some serious damage.
But I want us to focus back on Takeover; the man has been frankly outstanding so far and his impact on the team is already much more pronounced as compared to Keaiduo. Spica is thoroughly unlocked on the map through Takeover’s roaming, and the both of them combined together this game to make Pridestalkr’s life a living hell on the Lee Sin. I continue to be impressed by the native Academy prospect – it is nice to see one of our own outperforming an import player that was so heavily scouted by the TSM management. Sometimes it’s more about team play and synergy rather than how many import players you can stack on your roster.
Blog Of Legends MVP: TSM Takeover (1)